eSun PLA+-HS

I’ve just bought a few roles of this new ‘High Speed’ filament and after looking up the config settings on eSun’s website table … it appears to be no different than their ‘normal’ PLA+.
Has anyone been using this ‘new’ filament and found they can print at higher speed while still maintaining decent quality? I’m using an X1C with .4mm tip.

Just the tip ? :stuck_out_tongue:

In all honesty, great question, Sunlu have released highspeed as well, also cant find diferrences before I go out and buy it… I am hoping it not just markettng gimmick and the chemical makeup is diffferent to support higher consistent flows. but time will tell.

If speed is a higher priority than structural stability or heat resistance, high-speed filament could be a good choice. However, it is important to note that it actually softens faster than regular PLA, but if stability and heat resistance are more important, regular PLA might be more suitable. This also applies to high-speed PLA+ compared to normal PLA+.

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All this is obvious and easily avaialble info and its not a question re right flimanet for the job, however, what not, from data sheets or otherwise, if the so called “High speed” - epesically of some of the cheaper ones , eSun, SunLu, Jayo yada yada, are actually high speed and not just slighly higher eg ‘A grade’ PLA+ rebaged.

For instance, I easily push my Sunlu PLA+ to over 250\300ms prints speeds - and it comes out GREAT!
That flies in the face of the data sheet - which says 100ms for Sunlu PLA+
High Speed Sunlu PLA+ is meant to hit 500ms - awesome … and for @disco4wd the OP, we both looking for real-world assurance\examples etc. I may still buy 1 roll of High Speed PLA+ Sunlu and report back, but I just bought 10 spools of regular PLA as for the moment it does me at 300ms.

The manufacturer’s specifications for filaments are often only guidelines and may vary depending on the specific printer setup and printing conditions. It is quite possible that you will be able to print a filament faster than specified by the manufacturer, especially if you have experience with the specific properties of this filament and your machine.

You adjust the settings for the filament to your specific machine: Speed, temperature, retraction, feed, speed for bridges and overhangs.
If you print a temp tower, you may find out the best printing temperature, possibly also carry out speed tests to see how the filament behaves at the desired printing temperature and at what speed the layer adhesion is no longer correct and/or the print becomes unclean.

As for “high speed” PLA+ filaments, it should be noted that the term “high speed” can be somewhat subjective and can vary between manufacturers. Some brands may label their filament as “high speed” if it can reliably print at speeds slightly higher than their standard PLA+.

In the case of Sunlu, their High Speed PLA is advertised to support print speeds of up to 500mm/s. However, actual performance in practice can depend on a variety of factors, including the specific 3D printer, the print settings and the complexity of the model being printed.

It should also be noted that while faster print speeds can save time, they can also affect the quality of the print. Faster speeds can sometimes lead to problems such as under-extrusion, poor layer adhesion or reduced detail in the printed object.

If you decide to give eSun’s High Speed PLA+ a try, I would recommend starting with a few test prints to determine the optimal settings for your specific printer. And please share your experiences, as feedback from real users is incredibly valuable to the 3D printing community!

Remember, the key to successful 3D printing is often a process of trial and error, and what works best can often depend on the specific requirements of your project and the capabilities of your printer.

Best regards!

I print almost exclusively with eSUN PLA+ (regular, not HS) and have tweaked my profile to run at 250-300 mm/s with a volumetric speed of 23 mm3/s.
Hitting those speeds, I simply don’t have the need to go with their HS version until it’s proven to me that it’s worth switching.
For those wondering, I have excellent layer adhesion, bridging, overhangs, and easy support removal.
The strength of my prints are also proven and tested. A 15mm thick part held over 75lbs of dumbbells 3 inches off a wall for over a week before I finally gave up the test. There was zero droop, no issues at all. It basically laughed at my test.

That particular part is designed to hold a woodworking clamp that only weighs maybe 2 lbs, so I think that plenty.

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I’ve been pondering this topic for a while now. I’m finding it more useful to look at the manufacturer’s speed rating for the filament rather than get sidetgracked by the name they put on the label. Some are rated to 80mm/sec, others to 150mm/sec, yet others to 300mm/sec, and still others to 500mm/sec. This way you can try it at the advertised speed, and if it doesn’t perform that way, you’re justified in returning it.

Unfortunately, some call themselves “high speed” but make no claims about what speeds they can actually be printed at. Originally I was going to try them, but now I think I’ll just return them. If they aren’t willing to state numbers that they stand behind, then I’m guessing it’s pure BS anyway. If it really does work well at high speeds, then that’s something they should be bragging about.

I think I may trust the filament speed claims from filament makers who are also high speed printer makers, because they need to be able to have something which proves that their printers really can reach the speeds that they claim.

I use eSUN PLA+ most of the time.
The other day I was printing at .12 layer height and noticed the print head moved faster than normal. That triggered me to think of the volumetric speed. It’s limiting the PLA+ printing speed.
So, I guess the PLA+HS probably can printing with higher volumetric speed.

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