Exclude part of model when using cut tool

Does anyone know how you can exclude a part when you are cutting a large model? The cut goes through all and I wish it could just cut out a small part.

Might might want to try using a “negative part” to cut out the part of the model you want as you can position the section you want cut. They are available in several different shape and can be resized to whatever you require.


Your question is a big vague. When you say

Are you referring to the depth of the cut? If that’s the case, then yes, it’s all or nothing.

If you’re looking for to cut an irregular shape into let’s say the side of an object you can do so with greater control using negative part modifiers.

It might look something like this depending on your part. In this case I will take a cube
primitive and scale it to 100x100x2mm so that I have a flat plate to work with. Then I will add a part to give it a 3D shape, in the case just a default cube

Step 1 - Create a part in the shape of what you like to cut. In this case, I’m using a sphere primitive as part add on.

Note I changed the color here to yellow just to highlight the object. Color does not matter.

Step 2 - Change the part into a negative part.

Note that in the case of the sphere I lowered it below the plate to give it only a partial cut. This is the only way I know to control depth.

The part will appear as shadow ghost.

You can also either right-click and create a negative part or create a regular part and right-click and change it to a negative later.

As soon as you slice it, you’ll see that it removes the shape of wherever that negative part was.


Sorry I was not being clear. Hereby the example of what I am trying to do:

Ultimately I want to split this model in pieces with connectors to be able to print it and assemble it afterwards.

So I want to cut it up in pieces, section by section. But when I want to make a cut to split the part in the yellow circle, the pink section also gets cut. I would like to exclude the pink part.

I found that Prusa Slicer is actually able to do this but I can not manage it in Bambu slicer. Am I missing something?


OK. I see your situation but the solution in this occasion would use cube privatives scaled to the shape of a knife blade and then using the union tool with the “difference” option to cut the parts.

NOTE: all colors are just for illustration purposes. They don’t matter.

I created a crazy shape in CAD I’ll call race track. It clearly does not fit on the plate.
Then I will create a Cube primitive and make it 25x75x1mm wide to use as a blade

I move the cube over the section of the race track and assemble them.

Once assembled they act as one part

Notes that I have selected the assembly then selected the Union tool. I use “Difference” to tell the racetrack that I will be using the cube to remove anything that the two models have in common. If I check “delete input” it will remove the cutting tool after I click “difference button”.

Note that I still have one part but it’s missing a notch and now the “Part” tool lights up in the tool bar but I want the objects menu to split them into individual objects.

I then Split into objects.

Now that I have split it into to object. I just repeat the same process over again for the next section. If I have an angle, I first rotate the Cube tool into the correct position.

Once again, I create an assembly and then repeat the difference cut.

Note that the right hand bottom of the screen after I hit arrange, all my errors go away.


Can’t you split the pink area from the main into separate parts, then the yellow from the main also into separate parts? Worst case, split the pink from the main, then save both pieces as separate STL’s, then import the main piece you exported and split it to exclude the yellow area.

I will be back home this weekend and try it out and report back here. Thank you for your help so far.

I hope it’s gone well for you. I am in a very similar position a lot lately, trying to chop up models to reduce supports and more easily print complex geometries.

@Olias thank you for that helpful description. May I ask, in the first step, are you creating that “cube primitive” in BambuStudio, or if you needed a CAD program to first create it? If you made it in BambuStudio, how did you do that?

Thank you

Right click an empty space on the plate:
Resize the primitive as needed with the Scale (S) tool.

or, right-clicking a model already on the plate, there are primitives for other purposes:


Thank you Ikraus, I did not know that existed!

Dear all,

Somehow in the new updated version, it worked smoother (it didnt crash anymore).

I was able to cut it up in pieces and add connectors to all.

I decided to cut it first up in larger similar segments and afterwards cut it to smaller pieces.

When i’m back home I try to print it and evaluate the outcome.

Thank you all for your help so far.

This helped me and worked. Thanks for helping out.

hello, i have a similar problem. i used the cut tool on a ball now i want a negative ball the middle of the ball. but when i use bool mesh the bambu studio give me a error warning. that it cant exclude the ball inside the ball… i hope you understand my problem…

Some screenshots could help

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i cant mesh them together. i need it as STL data but when i convert it it becomes a mess… i just want the negative object to negate the yellow ball to make a hole

Thank you Olias, that was a really nice tutorial :+1: Do you know if it is possible to plase connections (dowels) between the bodies I have separeted with this method? It seems the connection menu only appears in the cut-plane-tool…

If I understand your question, you want to know if you can change the dowel orientation from the Z plane that’s the default, to some other plane such as X,Y. The answer is yes.

Don’t think of the object as being a fixed plane. You can pivot the cut along any axis.