When asking for help, please provide as much information as possible about your inquiry.
Including pictures and detailed information about the print speeds, filament type and settings used will help get the appropriate solutions.
Hello I am Ton from the Netherlands and have an question:
I only have a Gcode file of an airplane wing part.
The left point appears at the top of the EXCLUSION AREA during printing and the printer gives an error.
Printing stops and I can’t finish the plane.
I only have the Gcode file that I cannot move or rotate on my Bambu P1S.
To ask:
Is there a way to move or rotate 90 degree that Gcode file?
Is there a way to disable that Exclusion area so that the printer continues and finishes the print.
I show a photo of an example. I cannot show the original Gcode file om photo.
Why would they? How is it you only have the gcode file? It would be most likely of no use if was not for the same printer and filament that you are using. Wherever you got it from, they should have the stl/step/whatever file it was generated from. It is at that level that the model can be more readily manipulated. Generally speaking,the gcode file includes the instructions to a specific printer and filament, but if you try searching on the web, you may find software that can work with the gcode to change size and location of the model.
If the gcode file that you have was obtained by probing the object, and does not include any specific printer commands, then that is much easier to work with wrt resizing, etc.
I bought the Gcode at 3D lab it is the Duck delta wing. I have contacted the designer, but unfortunately he cannot help me further. I also have the STL file but I don’t know the parameters with which to slice it in Bambu studio (newbie). So, in simple terms, I ask here if someone can adjust or rotate it. All other parts were successful. I hope you understand me.
Great. You’ve got the stl. Time for you to go a bit beyond a newcomer.
You have bambu studio, time to learn how to use it. Are you ready for that?
One question - the picture you show has the stl? file on the plate. If not how did you get that image? afaik you cannot import gcode into bambu studio. It is easy to rotate an stl, or other 3d file, if it is on the build plate. (I was misled, because initially you said you only had the gcode file, -your quote wrt providing info was a bit off, but never mind.)
use the icon with a curved arrow to rotate the object.(9th from lhs in row).
Following the operating instructions provided by Bambu will not void your warranty.
Auto Arrange with Auto rotate checked is probably easier.
This is a very ambitious project for someone that is not familiar with adjusting slicer settings for a raw .STL file. You may want a bit more experience before attempting it.
I see that 3D Labs has .3mf project files for PrusaSlicer which presumably will have the correct settings for wall thickness, layer height, and all the rest. You might consider downloading a copy of PrusaSlicer to see what choices were made in the .3mf and then entering those values into Studio. Studio is based on PrusaSlicer, so they work similarly even though the screens and menus are different.
As a newcomer, have you printed anything so far? If our first print is going to be the wing, it may hit other problems, if you are not more familiar with the slicer/printer. There are pre-sliced objects on the sd card, which work with the provided filament. Any of them should print flawlessly. My first print was the turtle.
This is not the first project.
Rotating the object is not the problem, but entering the correct parameters such as the other wing parts is the problem.
I can’t see anywhere what parameters the designer used.
I have now reached the point where I have a print for PLA-LW, but the lines are loose (left in the photo) so they are not fused together as they should be (right in the photo).
So I’m already one step further.