Exterior Surface - Bad

I am having a real hard time at the moment with quality of print, on the outside surfaces.

This is Sunlu PLA, however other filament does it too. eSun PLA, PLA+, PETG etc, it all does much the same thing.
The sides are horribly grainy and irregular, should be perfectly flat.
This is printing at normal speed (100%), I never print anything over 100%.

Doesnt matter if the filament is dried for 12 hours or not, or seemingly what settings I change. Its pretty consistently bad.
Yesterday I did the PLA cold pull as per the wiki.
I also did the belt tensions and recalibration as per the wiki.
I also cleaned the X rails, lubed the Z and Y, all as per the wiki.
All without any change at all to the output, it is still the same.

This is a 10 hour print, centre section of the Prusacaster for my son, and its looking terrible on the sides. Thankfully this is the centre so will be covered, but ideally wanting to find a solution before I do the external parts.

This was a kickstarter printer and has been printing great for ages, but recently its turned into this and I cant figure out why.

Ive tried with the Bambu slicer as well as the Ocra slicer, calibrated the filaments etc, and nothing changes what I am seeing.

If the belts were at fault, I can understand if it was printing ovals instead of circles, but that is not what is the issue here. If the gantry was not square, again I could understand if it was not printing right, but you would still think the same surface direction would have the same result, but the same surface is rough and bumpy, so that doesnt make sense either.

The belt tension video on the wiki is weird, simply undoing the belts, moving the gantry around, pushing it to the back, and doing them up again - I dont get how that does anything with the belts. 1 belt does the Y and one does the X, so why does pushing to the back ‘fix’ the tension on both of these belts magically somehow?

Does anyone have any ideas?

This is printed with 7 walls, and 25% Cubic infill. Other prints I have done with 2 or 3 wall, have the same issues. It does not seem to be a software setting at fault, something else is going on but I just dont know what.

I also get ghosting if the side has a hole, or there is an internal line or something, you can see the ripples on the outside wall.


Better read the forum, there are already 5-6 tickets related to this problem with over 600 posts all together.
So far no real solution identified and tested. High likelihood that standard solutions (check this and checkt that and lubricate this and lubricate that) want have an positiv effect.


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Changed the print order to print outside first, and that made a huge difference.

Also saw another video by someone on belt tensions where they undid the back right tensioner screws and stepped the carriage to the right 3 steps, and then did it up. Then undid the back left tensioner screws and stepped the carriage to the left 3 steps, and did it up.

I now have drasticly improved walls again… go figure.

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@WanaGo what do you mean by the setting it 3 steps is their possibly a link you have