Extreme PLA Warping


Hello everyone, I’m having this problem usually in big prints and especially when I print a full plate…

The item warps so much, and I usually get a layer over extrusion I guess?

I know that the main suggestion will be using a glue stick for warping, will try it tomorrow but I want to ask if I’m doing something wrong?

I’m using a clean plate, washed with dish soap before the print, no air flow around to fluctuate heat. Using a generic PLA with manufacturers recommended heat settings. (220@nozzle/65@bed)


Also these changes to standard .2 print profile, alongside wiht Arachne wall generation

  • Also use a clean, stiff brush when cleaning the bed. Maybe add a splash of IPA before and after and rub it down with a microfibre cloth.

  • Also ensure that the filament is dry. Curling/warping is a first warning indicator for me.

  • Print in a warm, draft free environment. A few degrees can help a lot.

  • Increase 1st layer nozzle and bed temp for the first layer only by 5°C if prior items do ot help.

  • Use a contactless thermometer to check if you have a significant heat bed drop off outwards. Several degrees are normal, but you could have an issue there.

  • Finally, warping can be helped by printing slower and with reduced layer height.


What did you dry it with? Sorry in advance, this probably isnt it but its a good 1st question. Only asking because its PLA. Just dont use anything dried with fabric softener

I didn’t dry it but… It’s relatively not humid in the room and I use dehumidifiers to keep it extra dry…

Any suggestions for drying? :sweat_smile:

You can use your printbed and put a cardboard box over roll. After half-time turn the roll.
Medium term, you want to get a cheap filament drier.

if you placed the printer in a cold place it can also cause warping.

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