Extremely unimpressed with the Cool Plate Supertack

I have around 850 print hours on my P1S, mostly using a Smooth PEI plate. I’ve had the occasional issue with warping, corners lifting, or partial failure due to bed adhesion, but never had anything completely let go and go “full spaghetti” before. That is, until I tried the Cool Plate Supertack.

I picked one up just so I could have a little extra assurance when printing something with a very large or very small contact area that it wouldn’t let go or lift a corner or something, but so far it is the worst build plate I’ve ever used, including my old Ender 3.

I pulled it straight out of the packaging, only handled by the edges, put it straight in the machine and got a failed print using Bambu PLA Matte. I washed the plate with hot water and dish soap, in case there was something on it from the factory. I got a successful reprint of the PLA Matte part, followed by another failure on a part using Bambu PLA Basic. Threw the Smooth PEI plate back in and got a successful print, no problem.

Absolutely terrible track record to start this thing off with. A 2/3rds failure rate and more failures in 3 prints than I’ve had in 850 hours on a Smooth PEI plate. If I can’t get my money back for it, I doubt I’ll use it much because I know I can’t trust it. Are there known issues with a recent batch of these or something?

For a little more info: I’m slicing in the latest Bambu Studio, using their plate setting for the Cool Plate Supertack. Build plate temperature is at their recommended 45C. Hot end temp at their default 220C.

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Well, I tested the super tack plate a lot and I am happy with it, under my personal pre-conditions:

  • only use of PLA Basic (PLA+ or similar), NEVER use PLA Matt
  • only use for models without support structures (or only a large tree support)
  • only use for models without color swaps (or at least without a cleaning tower)

I am using it a lot for PLA basic prints without any issues (I had on a week ago, but might be a model issue). But I really have bad experiences with PLA matt (the first layer stick to hard to the plate, the second layer cut off) and with the removal of supports or cleaning tower, as the weak structure of these is really hard to remove.

All in all, it is not the always working solution in all cases, but it can do a great job.

Same, it has been an absolute nightmare, thought I was in the wrong ordered 2 more and it became an utter nightmare again

I’m the opposite, my super tack has become my go to for prototyping functional parts in PLA which I later print in other filaments that require very hot beds.

The plate has saved me a fair bit in electricity by keeping the Bed at 30C and only briefly heating to 48C to release the print also I’ve found another energy saving as I now wash the Plate in very cold water and never wipe it, I just dub the droplets with kitchen towel.

My next prints I’ll experiment with switching the bed off completely, the reasoning is the colder the Plate gets the tighter it grips, so why not switch of the bed after the first layer… :thinking:

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