Extruder has play in Y-Axis

Bambu Support replied today.

Not a nice solution, but a relatively quick one - at least quicker than if I had had to get a part sent to me first.

The problem seems to be known, the solution is: disassemble the printhead almost completely and put 0.2-0.3mm tape between the upper bearing and the front plastic shell at two positions.

There are a lot of screws and plugs in the way - negative here: The screws all go into plastic, so I hope you don’t have to unscrew the printhead too often…

You can just throw away the two angle spanners that come with the printer, as the ball heads didn’t fit into the screw heads either time.

It is also advisable to have one of these mini screwdriver sets at hand so that you can unscrew the screws more quickly - as I said, it is quite a large quantity.

All in all, about 45 minutes of work, not complicated, the screws are not different, there are only two types, small and large.

The same goes for the plugs, there are different plugs everywhere

I used this as adhesive tape:

2 layers = 0.333mm according to the micrometer.

I didn’t want anything that could be pressed together, so no isotape or armour tape.