Extruder ptfe bracket replacement

see photo
the part marked with red arrows
it is the bracket that holds the PTFE tube - is this replacable, and which is the correct part to order?
and, how to install/adjust this part? it has two screws on it, but has sliding grooves on the sides. how to determine correct height?

on this part, the modification to hold the PTFE tube, to keep from bending, is cliped on. my modified part broke, i replaced it, but noticed that this factory part was loose, so i tightned it, and also noticed that it is flexible, so possibly subject to breakage? it sits ABOVE the extruder, is not part of the extruder. i don’t see it in the parts section online. thanks

This bracket is included with the Toolhead Front Carriage part. I don’t think that it can be purchased separately. Luckily the Carriage isn’t expensive.


You can also try this. I don’t know if it will work but it will replace it.

thanks for reply ! i could not find that part initialy on line, thanks for the link !

The part that is connected to the PTFE needs to be “loose”, that’s because it needs to be able to rotate.

That part doesn’t connect (the original) to the ptfe at all. The connector on the extruder actually is where the PTFE goes into. The part you identified is mearly a brace.

What’s happening that you need this part?

I just really noticed your arrows are pointing to 2 differen’t parts. The upper is pointing at the brace, the lower is pointing to the PTFE connector. 2 different parts.

The PTFE connector is part of the extruder. It can be replaced but it’s not a lot of fun.

thanks for reply.
re: pfte flexible and rotate - understood.

re: my diagram - red arrows, the brace - this was loose (the two screws were loose), i tightened them, but as they have sliding grooves on it, what determines the position to put this brace at, before fully tightening?

my concern with this brace is that it is flexing somewhat; it is not cracked; but it s where the " PTFE Extruder Bracket AMS Error Fix" part is installed. it rotates on this brace. and my part had cracked, (the PTFE Extruder Bracket AMS Error Fix), and i just replaced it, and that is when i noticed the brace has some flex to it, and was loose (the screws), and that is what generated my concern.

AND, in order to replace that ERROR FIX part, i had to take out the PTFE tube, and that is where the blue arrow is pointing, to the extruder. there is not an easy way to get the PTFE tube out of there.

so, I DID order a new extruder part, AND some of the PTFE tube connector parts, but it still does not show how to remove the tube from the extruder. i understand you have to press on that ring, but that is not an easy task, and i can’t find a tool online that fit in there to compress that ring.

the machine IS RUNNING right now ,but i’m being proactive, because if it breaks, i want to get it back and up and running immediately, and play with repairing spare parts later; so if i have replacements, i can more rapidly change them, and fix the broken ones later

these tools may end up being of service for you,

There is a tool that will make removing the tubing easier. There is a profile on that page that has just the tool to print.

thanks ! i will look at that page, just what i’m looking for

again, thanks; but which of tehse fits into the front extruder PTFE release? I have several of thse, for the back part, but it doesn’t seem that any are designed for the front extruder? unless i need new glasses : : - )

the one for the back will undo the front. The concept is the same, just push down on the collar and it will release the ptfe. The black ring right where the ptfe goes into the extruder is pushed down, while down it should release the tubing. The tool will just help.

is that the BufferFork tool?

I had this bracket break on me as well. Took a stab at designing/printing my own. Lets see how long it lasts.

This is one of the reasons I keep buying Bambu Lab printers (including for work and family) I have a hefty supply of spareparts I haven’t used almost any of yet lol (other than consumables like filament cutters, hot-ends, wipers, ptfe tubes, and carbon filter refills)


I have nearly all the available parts. The ones I don’t have are the ones that usually cause issues.

Do you know if the brave is supposed to be tight? I know the ptfe connector should be able to move at that how it latches, but first time into my print head and I find the black brace loose. I want to tighten and position it but not 100% on if i should and how to position.

the positioning was my questin also, not fully answered.