Printing a 105 diameter cylinder when I noticed that the circular diameter in not a round but faceted (interconnecting chords) rather than a smooth circle. Is there any fix for this?
Detailed description of the problem
Printer model used : P1S
Slicer settings used: default
Type of filament used: PLA+
Photos that clearly show the problem
.3mf file (if the file can be shared)
Any potentially useful information that is related to the problem
A faceted surface is caused by the STL model that you imported. Ideally import a STEP file if your CAD system can export it. Otherwise export a higher resolution STL from your CAD system. If this is a model you downloaded then it limits what you can do. Either contact the original designer or you may be able to use Bambu Studio use privative shapes bandaid the issue.
If you want more help I suggest uploading the .3mf file.
The model of the cylinder that you used is an extruded polygon not a true circle, and the printer is just copying that shape. At smaller scales the straight lines aren’t visible, but at larger scale they are. So you’ll need a model with more triangles (higher resolution) or, a STEP file. Did you create the model and if so did you export it as an stl?
As was just stated above. This is normal. Your model is the issue not the slicer or the printer.
There was a long topic on this discussion. If you care to view the details, here’s a post I made which tried to illustrate what’s under the hood when it comes to differences between STEP files which are vector based and STL files which are mesh/vertices-based.