Failed prints help

I have been having series of similar but not exactly the same fails for the last couple weeks. I have had my P1S for several months and literally every print was coming out perfect.

I ran some generic PLA through the printer, it failed miserably, I tossed it out rather than try to figure out why.

Now when I try to print much of anything, I’m getting these weird … lifts?.. in the front right (looking at the printer) corner. Not always/only right there, but more often than not.

I’ve cleaned the build plate throughly with IPA and prints that are only using the middle area of the build plate seem to be fine.

No clue what’s happening or how to even start troubleshooting. Any ideas? Thanks!!

Your not getting layer adhesion, that much is obvious. The cause is what’s in question.

If I had a dollar for every time someone came in and said “But I cleaned my plate thoroughly”…

It could be that your plate suffered some contamination from the filament you said wasn’t performing. Did you use very hot water and soap? IPA is not enough. Did you scrub it with a nylon scrub pad?

Use this:

Or this:

But definitely NOT this, because it will mar the PEI coating

The second option is to increase the bed temp in the filament profile. This will help but could introduce elephants foot compression at the bottom of the model.

And last but not least. Brims can cover a multitude of sin if one doesn’t have a perfectly clean plate or if the filament is just being troublesome.


I second the point of not using IPA. Hot water and dish soap (Dawn) and be sure to give it a good scrub. Be mindful of not touching the build surface after cleaning it.

Thanks! @Olias! I tried that last night and the first print off worked great. I’ll update if there’s any further trouble, but apparently the advice I’d gotten about IPA wasn’t as good as yours about dish soap and scotch brite pad!

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