"Failed to cut the filament. Check the cutter"

I disassembled the print head to clear a clog, and put the cutter arm back in place. How can I tell what’s wrong with it?

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Close examination reveals that the cutter arm is running into the gray plastic housing of the print head. Any thoughts on this, other that cutting the housing with an Xacto knife?

There was a X1C owner that had issues with the cutter arm. I don’t remember the details but they uploaded a replacement on printables This is not to say yours is broken but that it’s not unheard of. Give it a close look to see if there are cracks forming or if it’s distorted. You no longer need to print one, they are available from Bambu Lab.


I shaved the print head enclosure to allow the cutter arm to enter.

hi can u help me i have the same problem so how u shaved the print head ?

It’s been a long time, but as I recall I looked closely at where the arm was hitting the enclosure and used an Xacto knife to shave off a little if the enclosure where they touched. It has worked fine.

my problem is the cutter arm without the cutter moves fine with me but when i put the cutter inside the arm it becomes problematic and doesnt close as smooth as before do you know anything about this? :frowning:

Can you see where the problem is? Can you see what part prevents smooth movement?

unfortunately I cant see it its hard to tell if the cutter itself getting stuck but the cutter arm is definitely not getting stuck on anything for me.

I can only think that you will have to see what is hanging up the cutter before you’ll be able to figure out how to stop it. Try asking Bambu tech support.

okey thank u so much for your time