I took apart the buffer and discovered the magnet. It’s a bar with a side marked with a red dot. I fumbled around with the magnet and mised which direction it was originally pointing.
I had never opened the buffer in this way ever before. On my first attempt to guess which direction it should face I pointed the red dot towards the side that has the spring (or when looking at the X1C from the back, the side that would be on the right).
Here are some photos to help others in the future know what to do. Luckily it started working again, though since I never opened it before, I don’t know how it was backwards and yet the AMS has worked a couple of times before it stopped working on me.
Thanks for the pics. I have had the same problem for a month. Have found if I unwind the filament roll a bit it extrudes just fine. Apparently, the spool turns tightening the filament. I have no idea why magnetic would suddenly be backward. Was there a firmware change that caused the problem.
I’ve started having the same problem. Thought it was related to some PLA-CF or PLA silk I printed. I’ve had to manually purge filament then start a print. The filament is pushed all the way from the AMS to the print head just fine, then pulls all the way back and tries again (3 times). I’ve never had the buffer apart. Why would a magnet flip fix it. Someone mentioned a recent firmware. Starting to get frustrated after I sent back my A1 for the X1C.
I have the same issue that you describe. "Extruding filament failed. The extruder might be clogged.0700 8007 …
I managed to make 1 3d print…No so easy as it is being advertised…
Made a ticket, looking forward to the reply.
I get the same issue in a print when changing filaments for supports. It worked for a week or so before, now I always get blocked nozzle errors or spaghetti failures after that.
When printing a single filament I get zero issues.
Worked for me like a charm! No idea what’s the difference - both magnet’s ends seem to be equally magnetic. Red mark towards the spring makes the difference.
I thought about going down the magnet swap route. I removed a filament y-splitter (allows tube from AMS and external spool to be used) that I used for a few months to eliminate that as an error. As I disconnected the AMS buffer to start taking it apart I decided to try printing without the splitter just to eliminate that.
I plugged the buffer back in and attempted a print. Well, it’s been working perfectly for the past week.
I don’t think removing the splitter did anything. The filament was always making it to the extruder just fine. I’m guessing, and hoping, disconnecting the buffer may have reset some internal cache or something.
I’m printing from AMS using the stock routing (no splitter) and have had dozens of hours of printing and filament changes w/o issues.
Not saying this will solve everyone’s issue, but worked for me. And I didn’t have to disassemble the buffer.
I had similar symptoms with AMS and a non-bambu filament. the filament gets loaded up to the filament sensor in the mouth of the extruder, but then it was sensed as not going in, and retracted.
in my case it was a firmware bug, i was on 01.07.03 where the detection mechanism was added but likely tuned to be too sensitive.
i upgraded just the fw and it’s working again.
bambu NEEDS to push updates like these as MANDATORY to users to avoid them going through the same pain and make them feel miserable.
After updating to the latest firmware, I started getting the same issue, Failed to Extrude filament when AMS is used. After a few retries it works. Bypassing the AMS works 100% of the time. I doubt the extrusion gears need replacement. I can purge all day and there is no clog.
Holy cow, thank you for this post. I have been having this problem for ages and never put two and two together that it only started after that firmware update.
I was always able to cancel a print job and then start it over immediately to get things to work, but that meant I couldn’t do any multi-filament prints.
After the firmware update everything finally seems to be working again.
I read through the release notes and I see nothing about this change or there being a fix for this problem.
Both my X1Cs stopped working at the same damn time same error!!! I pulled and rebuilt both hot ends 3 x each thinking i had horrible luck. Still the same problem. Now im rebuilding the buffer in hope it helps. I had skipped the updates but decided to just run them yesterday. This is absolutely insane rhat Bambu is breaking these machines with updates!!! Never again. Once i get a stable build back im never updating again. We will find out if random buffer rebuild helps or not… sigh…