Failed to extrude filament error

I am. having a problem. the AMS rolls out filament then. rolls it back up, rolls it out again then rolls it up. after the 3rd time or. so I get an error "Failed to extrude filament. Please check to see if the extruder is clogged. After troubleshooting click retry button. (0700 8007 220309)

I put a new complete hot end assembly, took the extruder out and cleaned it out, not clog found. reassembled and getting the same error.
I do get the green filament indicator for a moment then white when it rolls up, turns green again when it rolls out again.
If I remove the ams and feed the filament in manually I can extrude filament all day as long as I keep hitting the extrude button.

Help appreciated.

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im having the same issue, would be nice to find a fix.

Did you manage to resolve this? If so, how?

I’m having the same issue, I wonder if I changed the adjustment screw…I’m going to remove the new
h/e and see if the extruder will push filament or not.

Ok, I found the main cause of my issue, the extruder tension screw spring had become no longer connected…this meant the extruder wasn’t pushing filament into the hotend and if any did make it, it would melt and cool inside the nozzle with no real pressure pushing it out.

Thanks for all of the help.

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I have the roll out and roll up issue constantly. I get the message that the ams assist motor is overloaded. please check if the spool or filament is stuck. After troubleshooting click the reply button. [0700 8010 225203]

of course, I am new to this printer business, and it is kicking my ass and really making me mad. I don’t have this kind of trouble with my CNC router or laser. It will be Maintenace free my friend said. You just plug and play he said. I have had nothing but error messages one after another since I got this thing a week ago. Where is my buddy. Unavailable. lol. Does Bambu labs really have a technical dept and a customer service dept? It’s like a ghost town and you can only communicate through their ticket service, and I am curious if I am going to get stuck with a 2000-dollar pile of junk that I bought off of a whim. at least that is in the back of my mind. The good side is that it is only 2000 at this point. That’s cheap they say. Trying to keep a good mindset.

Any suggestions from more experienced Printer folk.


I wonder if you’ve solved it. I’m the same phenomenon

I am having the same problems, on a 14 hour print, where I didn’t have to do any filament changes, but using the AMS, I get several errors that it can’t extrude the filament.
After trying all the solutions I have found on the forum, I had to cancel the print.
I put the part back in, using another of the AMS slots and now it doesn’t even want to start printing.
I don’t feel like taking apart such an expensive printer to try to figure out what’s wrong with it…

Same Problem after i replaced my ams next to the Printer.
The ams Motors also sound like they have not enough power.
Did anyone solve this Problem ?

In my case 0700 8007 was a buffer Problem. The magnet in the buffer unit was placed wrong. there is a red side witch need to show to the exit side

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Can you share more about this, maybe a picture? I’m having the same issue (I think).

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Can you post a picture of this? I’m having a very similar problem.

I am having the same issue. I have performed multiple cold pulls and checked the extruder and no clogs were found. I am also able to extrude the filament successfully when hitting the extrude button or when printing using my spool holder. I also rolled back the firmware to the previous version to see if that was the issue however that didn’t fix the issue. I have recalibrated my printers and performed hot end changes without success.

sry i have no picture

I implemented the Ams and dismentle the buffer to have the shortest possible way.
I then immediately disassembled the buffer to take a closer look at it. since then nothing worked anymore. Everything disassembled several times, built back and forth, it only worked irregularly. It looked to me like the ams motor doesn’t have enough power to push the filament to the hotend, it always breaks before and pulls it back.
I didn’t find anything about error 0700 8007. After I had cleaned everything and disassembled it several times, I noticed that the magnet that is built into the buffer unit is marked with color on one side. I then thought that he would definitely need a special orientation. I then turned the magnet and since then everything works perfectly again.
Hope this doesn’t reach you too late and I can help you or someone else with it.
But if you dont disassembled the puffer unit this cant be your Error

yes! this was the root cause, and also check the spring, has to be in end position.

care to share what magent buffer you are referring to? am still having the same issue even after changing the nozzle thinking that it was clogged.

Also having the exact same issue. Just bought the Carbon thinking it was going to be great. Nothing but errors and disappointment. I have tried everything from replacing the tubes to taking apart the extruder and cleaning it. It can start a print but not finish due to “failed to extrude the filament”. Sometimes hitting retry works but the message will come back every 5 minutes. Does this company not have a quality control department? Also, found out the hard way that customer support is not great. I want to return this junk so bad but thinking it’s not going to be possible.

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Having the same issue. Tends to happen with pla silk types of materials.

To Bambu: I have tried disconnecting the ptfe tube before the enclosure and pushing the filament as best as I can to get it to extrude. It detects the filament and gives up in under a second, then rewinds itself. It says there might be a clog, but as I try to move the extruder away from the chute so I can examine it, it requires me to home first. I hit Home, and it does nothing.

Turned the magnet which way? The magnet has a red dot on one end. That indicates north pole. I’m gonna test orientations. I’ll share results with pictures in a reply to the OP when done.