Failed to pullback filament / filament may be broken

Yesterday, out of the blue my A1 printer fired this error as it was preparing to print a model.

I checked the printer and the filament was indeed broken inside the AMS Lite ptfe tube. This has happened before and I fixed it by pulling the broken filament and feeding the spool again.

However, this time the error kept showing up.

I thought maybe the nozzle is blocked. While heated I cleaned it using the wire tool in the box but that didn’t work. I then pushed the filament from the top and it cleared whatever was blocking it. A straight line was extruded

I started a print and while printing the first layer, it came back to the purge position and fired the same error. I disabled “clump detection” thinking maybe it’s the culprit. It’s the only thing that I changed since the last successful print.

I manually pushed a new color (Slot2) until the printer purged the older color (Slot1). I started the print choosing Slot2 as the color of choice and it printed fine until it reached 99% and went back to the purge position and fired the same error.

The next print, the printer refused to print until I manually extruded some filament and then started the print.

It printed fine, all the way to 99% and fired the same error.

I believe that both prints were done, but maybe that 1% is where the printer cuts the filament and retracts it?

Why is this happening if the printer is clearly printing and the nozzle is NOT blocked?


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Hi, I had they same issue you’ve had above! I went to their help page regarding, how to remove blocked filament etc. You have to do a little maintenance. There’s a few methods how to do this. It is easy when you know how for next time. I am sure it’s when you pause the AMS the error message pops-up!
The nozzle cooled down very quick! Also, mine was making a clicking sound, when it tried to extrude. Watch the video!

I get exactly the same issue on my A1. It does the print and all the slices but when it is 99% done, it gives me the same error message. I pulled out the filament hub but nothing is stuck inside. Did you resolve the issue?