Failure - Automatic Flow Rate Calibration (Bambu Studio


I did the flow rate calibration a few times today. Each time I got the message failure at the end. The plate is clean. A new installation of Bambu Studion was also unsuccessful.

Bamboo Studio Version:

X1C version:

Does anyone have this problem or maybe a solution?

Thank you.

Is the filament you are using reflective? I was told it has problems with that.

This happens to me when I use a transparent PETG.

No. Simple Sunlu Pla+ (white and black).

I’m having this issue as well. I will likely reach out to support about it because I’ve also experienced errors saying stuff like “Micro LiDAR LED may be broken” when it clearly isn’t and I’ve had to turn off the build plate localization feature as that fails on me about 50% of the time now at the start of a print. From what I’ve read it could be as simple as a simple as a USB cable replacement or as bad as needing to replace the whole machine… Yikes

I’m getting this with the Bambu Gold Silk PLA.

The message says:

Part of the calibration failed! You may clean the plate and retry. The failed test result would be droped.

Spotless bed. I really wonder if it is reflectivity. It did work fine with the silver however.

Any updates on this issue? I just tried with Bambu Studio and it failed. It is also silk however it is not Bambu branded.

You need to do manual with silk filament.

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I figured this but thank you for confirming!

is there still no solution for the automatic calibration of silk or transparent filaments? manually it takes more than 1 hour for each filament