Anyone have any idea what would cause one specific filament to not feed or retract?
In this case, my spool of black overture pla+ likes to create failure to feed and failure to retract from tool head errors. It doesn’t matter what position the spool is in, it will do it on any of the 4. Ptfe tubes are brand new.
Filament lives in a Sunlu s4 when it’s being printed, and in a dry box with a humidity level around 10 to 15%.
I really like the look of the filament, but it’s becoming an absolute nightmare to print with.
It sounds like your spool may be way out of tolerance. Did you measure the filament thickness? In 2 directions to also check for circularity?
The places I checked all measured between 1.68 and 1.73mm
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That looks quite low. Not a usual problem as I’d have expected a higher than nominal diameter, but I did have issues with too thin filament in the past. In my case, a clog had caused the extruder to grind away filament, reducing its width. After cleaning the extruder, it could no longer get a grip on the too thin filament.
Not sure if it fits your failure observations though.

I might just chalk this one up to one of life’s greatest mysteries since it’s only one filament doing it.
If it was all my filaments that’d be a different story. I’ll just use this filament for single color prints and not use the ams lite.
Thanks for your help.
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