I’m encountering a strange artifact when printing a model on my Bambu Lab P1S. The model features brick patterns separated by uniform pillars. The issue is that the layer which separates the bricks appears as a continuous, faint line or groove on the adjacent pillar, exactly at the same layer height (see attached photo).
I’ve already run a full calibration and maintenance on my P1S, and the rest of the print quality is generally good.
Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions for this type of problem?
Printer model used: P1S with AMS
Slicer settings used: Bambu Studio default settings at 0.08 Extra Fine
Type of filament used: Bambu PLA Basic
Do you know what was the original model design in? I ask becuase this kind of issue can be caused by a multicomponent 3MF, STL or STEP file.
Can you show us a screengrab of what the sliced file looked like? Or better yet, upload the 3MF so we can inspect the model and setting directly.
Here’s an example of what can happen. In this case I designed a quick brick wall using separate models and then imported them as a single model into the slicer. Note that underneath the structure the lines from the different bricks still render as solid walls. This would cause filament to shrink at a different rate which can cause lines where the more denser walls are. That’s why examining your model would be helpful.