Family friendly filters

I am getting my 10 year old nephew an A1 mini for his birthday. His parents are not too keen on him having access to gun models, even if they are “replicas.” There are other things they would prefer not show up as well such as profanity, innuendo or other “adult” themes. I know there you can filter out certain keywords, but not every model uses keywords. I understand its not a perfect world and it is up to a parent to monitor what their children access, but more robust parental/family controls to filter content would be a welcome addition.

Thank you for your consideration.

A much as I’d like to trust the internet and particularly makerworld, nah people rarely respect keywords and the filter is lame. Your child is likely to get exposed to many unsavoury items here.

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I have tried to get guns behind a NSFW tag, but, MakerWorld ignores my reports on this.

Even for countries that believe guns should be pervasive, they should not be promoted towards kids, surely?

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Wow! I grew up on The Lone Ranger and John Wayne westerns. It was every kids dream to have a gun belt and chrome six-shooter in my neighborhood. We already had cowboy hats. :smile:

@MakerWorld should consider using a page out of YouTube’s playbook and create makerworld kids edition.


  • Curated models appropriate for children
  • Stronger content filters for comments
  • Educational content and challenges
  • Parental controls and monitoring options

This would make the platform accessible to younger makers while giving parents peace of mind. It could help inspire the next generation of 3D printing enthusiasts.

What do others think? Would you let your kids use a version like this?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


When I say stronger content filters, I mean any filters at all. I get this same person commenting on my model several times now and they just keep creating new accounts, which means they are probably making the same kind of comments on other models.

Stronger filters AND more moderation of their feed would be nice. Hard to take this place seriously when they let things slide as much as they do, this person is unhinged.

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