Feature Request: ‘Advanced Option’ in Bambu Handy Maker World

In my vision, I believe it would be a great idea to provide advanced options for power users or those who simply wish to fine-tune certain settings beyond what the default print profile allows.

Here’s how it would work:

Within the print profile, you can select ‘Advanced Options’ > ‘Bambu Warning.’ This action will indicate that you are entering an advanced mode and making changes to how the object was originally intended to be printed. You will be responsible for any adjustments, including any problems or issues that may arise with your printer. By selecting ‘I agree,’ your print will not count towards the Maker Points system but will still contribute to the profile download count. Additionally, you won’t be able to review this print profile.

Now, in advanced mode, you can modify settings beyond what the print profile initially offers. For example, you can adjust parameters such as wall thickness, infill percentage, infill type, or add/remove a brim to the print. These options, which are a select few and not the entire slicer, will be available to the user.

I think it would be pretty hard to implement, whereas you could just upload the modified profile yourself, what I think would be easy to implement is a list of differences between 2 or more profiles.

In the spirit of pushing Maker World towards an even better platform for printing via Bambu Handy I’m just implying having a bit more flexibility for people who have a great understanding of slicer settings would be nice.

I’m not a developer so I’m not sure if it’s difficult to do or not but if every software division just tossed their hands up because something was difficult to implement we’d still be using Nokia phones. :crazy_face: