[Feature Request]Being able to send gcode commands and routines macros

Being able to send gcode command and macros of commands for routines would be very very much appreciated

This could provide a lot of help to debug various gcode instructions instead of manually updating a part of the start gcode and starting a new print to see what happens from the gcode and then stop the print before printing because I only needed to test a few lines of gcode

This is ridiculous that I have to go through this to send a few lines of gcode to the printer, I should be able to do this in an advanced menu

Thank you


I’ll second this, I know the printer’s aim is to be simple but when issues do occur it would be nice to be able to send discrete g-codes to the printer. I really appreciate the console in slicer’s such as repetier slicer where you can type and send gcode to the printer AND use commands that give feedback such as endstop status, current temp, current position etc.

Please add something like this for us advanced users!!!


me three , i needed some cooling profiles to test for ABS before i add it to the actual filament or machine code and was going to be nice . If was possible to send some g-commands with out actually whole print
May be there is a way to do that ?

Number four here … little late I guess :face_with_peeking_eye:
For Orca Slicer as well please

also for me this will be really helpful!


I want this too. Trying to write scripts for things that are simple on other printers are 100x more time-consuming on bambu. Even a position readout for the jog function would be a big help

number 5 here. its cumbersome to save a custom gcode file and upload to printer just to check what a certain toolhead position looks like when designing printer upgrades, for example.
its such a simple thing it should have been built in from the start

Still not here!!! Would be VERY useful though…