Feature Request. Cache to SD Card

Respectfully request feature to move cached prints to the SD Card. There are several prints that im not 100% sure how they will turn out, but its a pain to pull the card out and get it loaded from the computer on the far side, then move it back into the printer.

I’m not sure about Bambu Studio, but in Orca Slicer you can simply send a g-code file to the SD card in the printer – no need to take it out and carry it to the computer. :thinking:

I havent tried Orca Slicer yet, but I thought the latest update to Studio included Orca in it… How do i find where the transfer to SD option is?

In Bambu Studio Click on the arrow of the “print” button and select send instead.

Btw. There is an option on the printer settings to enable caching to sd card.

That‘s right, but this only caches a couple of prints and discards older ones. I have a couple of files I refularly print (such as in-spool dessicant containers whenever I cannot restrain myself from purchasing yet another roll or two). For such files it is a great option to just store them permanently on the SD card and the „Send“ function you correctly described is just perfect for that.