Whenever I open a downloaded Timelapse from my P1S with VLC on a Mac, I get a warning to say it has a ‘Broken or Missing Index’, VLC tries to fix the issue by creating an index and then playing the video, but this adds additional clicks to play the file and takes a few seconds more to play it, the assumption is there are no errors and the video should just play after clicking it.
Same problem on the P1S, I thought these printers were expensive but with a real customer support… Searching this forum I see this issue have been around for more than a full year.
Is this the place where customer support should be answering? Do we have a different customer support contact?
I may have a different version of VLC but whenever I open a timelapse or full video file, VLC gives me 3 options: rebuild the index, play “as is” or do not play. If I click on play “as is”, it plays and I can even scrub the video so I do not think this is an issue with the file.
If you want to have it addressed with Bambu anyway, I would suggest creating an issue on github, this forum is not the right place for it as it is not officially monitored.
Only just got my Bambu printer and discovered the time laps issue.
This seems to have been around for a while based on posts online.
I suspect it’s to do with how the printer creates the metadata which VLC dislikes.
You can open in another video player and it’s fine.
For those in favor of using VLC you can quickly fix with FFMPEG.
Command: ffmpeg -i {input} -vcodec copy {output}
Example, ffmpeg -i print.avi -vcodec copy print.mkv
You don’t even need to change the container, AVI is fine, problem likely printer side.
To make the process less repetitive I’ve attached a batch script.
It checks all video files in the directory it is located for .avi
Any listed are converted without quality loss and appended with fixed
There’s an option at the top which is default false, set to true if you want auto delete of the original video.
You will need to “install” FFMPEG.
Download FFMPEG ffmpeg-release-full.7z
Extract to your install programs install directory, rename FFMPEG
Copy path to bin folder i.e. C:\Program Files\FFMPEG\bin
Go to this PC → properties → advance system settings → environment variables
Select path → edit → new
Paste the copied path and select ok, then again.
Paste the downloaded batch script to the media directory/video files.
Now when you want to fix the files run the script.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "deleteOriginal=false"
if "%1"=="--delete" (
set "deleteOriginal=true"
for %%f in (*.avi) do (
echo %%~nf | findstr /b /c:"_fixed_" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (
set "input=%%f"
set "filename=%%~nf"
set "extension=%%~xf"
set "output=_fixed_!filename!!extension!"
echo Converting "!input!" to "!output!"
ffmpeg -i "!input!" -vcodec copy "!output!"
if "!deleteOriginal!"=="true" (
del "!input!"
echo Deleted original file "!input!"
This is still an issue in Feb, 2025 and version and none of the standard Windows 11 players will play the video, so it is not limited to VLC.
I never noticed this issue.
Using Win10 and VLC as my default player.
But I also have a bunch of video editing programs and installed god know what in audio and video codexes.
As far as I know Bambu just takes single shots from the camera and keeps adding them to the file, like a slideshow rather than video.
The missing index issues is due to these files not having any standard play time per picture set.
And well, their container use isn’t the best either.
I do get the warning about the missing index but the files play fine on the computer.
Probably a good idea to check the header rather than to re-encode the files.
Quite sure any problems encountered can be fixed with correcting the header info.