It would be really nice if the print head would move off of the chute when there’s a filament pileup. It makes it really really hard to clear the pileup with the print head in the way, plus the nozzle is hot and it tends to stick to the pileup. The only way to clear the pileup is from the back and that’s very difficult if a wad of filament is stuck to the nozzle. As someone who does almost exclusively multi-color prints this would make my life a lot easier.
Welcome to the community.
Why wouldn’t you just use the nozzle movement keys found in both the slicer and on the front panel?
Because that would screw up the print that’s in progress.
Actually, the printer allows you to hit pause and manually manipulate the nozzle head. This is precisely for the reasons you just expressed. Then once you want to recommence, just hit the resume. Easy peasy.
i get layer shifts when trying it. And it would be even easier peasier if the setting in the firmware that tells it to park right over the issue you’re trying to solve instead told it to park slightly to the right instead. it’s possible to clear from the back, it’s just a pain and there’s no reason to default to blocking the chute instead of default to not blocking the chute.
If you’re getting layer shifts when moving the print head with the unlocked on screen controls/in studio and resuming… may I suggest you contact support because there is something wrong
If you use the axis movement controls it (should) inject a home command into the gcode when you resume
Also the reason it stays in place is so it doesn’t potentially bend the nozzle without input from the user who can make a better decicsion
There’s plenty of room above the chute to protect the nozzle while still allowing access to the chute to clear it. It doesn’t need to perfectly and completely block access to the chute. That’s why I said ‘slightly to the right’. Why are you so against being able to easily clear an issue? I sincerely don’t understand your objection. How would it hurt you for me to be able to easily clear a filament pileup without having to go though one annoying process or another? I’m not trying to be difficult here, I’m just unable to understand your interest in the status quo when the alternative would help lots of people (including, admittedly selfishly, me) and would cause you no harm.
Came here for the same reason. I have no idea if moving the head then is a good idea or not, but leaving the print head dead center in the way isn’t going to help. It just leads to more prying and clawing on the thing to get the pileup cleared.
I’m not saying it’s a bad idea to move it, but it’s certainly not clear to the user sitting there looking at it stuck with no way to know what to do. One inch over, and it’s a non problem. Where it is, it sticks itself even harder to the pileup then cools down to ensure it stays firmly attached. NOT good.
I would like to put in my support for said feature. When the filament pileup happens, I get a display on my screen that does not indicate that it’s possible to pause the print and then move the printhead with the navigation buttons on the control panel. I’ve been afraid that interacting with that error message will cancel the print job, and that’s the last thing I want to have happen. An option button to “pause print” would be helpful, I think.