Feature request. No bold fonts on print profiles

All capitals words and bold font words come across as screaming. It is considered rude to do so.

Why not make it impossible to use symbols, bold fonts or all capital words against community policy for print profiles???

So no:

  • Print Profile
  • :rocket:Print Profile :rocket:

Let print profiles be judged on their ability to make good prints. Not on flashy rude screaming titels.



Or weird fonts

đ•‹đ•–đ•€đ•„ 𝕄𝕠𝕕𝕖𝕝


that is aneopsy type

We will handle it, thanks!


Thank you so much!!!

Released today. Nice!

【Announcement】Updates and Removal of Violating Misleading Models and Profiles
2024-01-09 03:57
Dear MakerWorld Community,

Based on our review and assessment, we have found that some models or profiles uploaded on our platform contain misleading vocabulary and misleading images, which violate our usage policies and guidelines. We value user opinions and feedback and are committed to maintaining a fair, accurate, and trustworthy platform.

To solve this problem, we request that you modify the model content or profile content within 5 days, and delete or replace words and images that contain misleading content.
Please note that if you do not make modifications within the stipulated time, we will remove the violating model or profile after 5 days.

Model or profile contains misleading content:
1、Fast: Words like “fast,” “quick,” “instant,” etc., may mislead users into believing that the model or profile has a faster printing speed.
2、Comparative: Terms like “better,” “faster,” “more economical,” etc., can lead to user confusion and unfair competition.
3、Guarantee: Words such as “guaranteed,” “assured,” “certified,” etc., may mislead users into thinking that the model or profile provides unconditional guarantees or certifications.
4、Superlative: Expressions like “best,” “top,” “number one,” etc., may mislead users into believing that the model or profile is the best or most superior.
5、Privilege: Terms like “exclusive,” “privileged,” “limited,” etc., can mislead users into thinking that the model or profile has special rights or benefits.
6、Misleading descriptions: Words like “official,” “official account,” “verified,” etc., can mislead users into thinking that the account, model, or profile is associated with an official or certified entity.
7、Misleading logos: For example, using official logos like “bambu,” “bambu lab,” “bambu recommend,” etc, without proper authorization can mislead users and create false trust.
8、Other characters For example using misleading uppercase letters, emojis, or other characters.

We highly value your feedback and your dedication to the MakerWorld community. If you have any additional concerns or suggestions about this update or any other aspect of our platform, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to listen and continuously enhance the MakerWorld experience for all our users.

Best regards,

The MakerWorld Team


Misleading logos: For example, using official logos like “bambu,” “bambu lab,” “bambu recommend,” etc, without proper authorization can mislead users and create false trust.

So models that have a Bambulab logo on the model (not just on the model picture) will be removed?

For example this model:

i dont think so 
 thats a model 3d printed. i believe that they refer to models that do take pictures such as this one

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Aneopsy right now

lot of users did the same on their own models so that they would get the downloads instead 
 looks like its gona be a lot of work for a lot of people

MakerWorld should give an award to Aneopsy. Every update is about new rules he’s responsible for :rofl:

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Please don’t eliminate bold in print profiles unless they’re being abused or serve no purpose.

I use it for information organization purposes to highlight the important parts. Users can skim read the bolded parts but aren’t bogged down by all the nitty gritty details.

I used to be in the business of creating training materials and it was considered best practice to do this. If there’s only one thing you want the user to remember, you bold it. It also makes it more accessible to those with executive dysfunction such as ADHD because they are the ultimate in skim readers. This latter reason I speak from personal experience as I have a number of people in my life with this disorder.

The following is an example of what I typically put in my profiles. It is in-depth and meant to be informative (teaching users; old habits die hard) but if you just want to know the setting I changed, you can see it immediately with the bolded words.

  • Only One Wall on First Layer: On (prevented some weirdness happening to the first layer due to the complexity of the first layer)
  • Detect Thin Walls: On (necessary to capture all the details of the models)
  • Sparse Infill Pattern: 15% Gyroid (gyroid is my preferred infill; change if you’d like to)
  • First Layer Speed: 15 mm/s (This is only necessary for the frame and blocks; unfortunately Studio doesn’t allow me to change first layer speed for individual models. However, it doesn’t add much time to the other models so it was worthwhile making it a global change.)

I don’t think that it’s obnoxious or annoying. It serves a purpose. We might as well make everything a wall of text (like my plea here) without any formatting to please everyone.


I believe there might be some misunderstanding here. The description of the Print Profile does not restrict the use of bold text. It simply discourages the insertion of special characters in the print profile title.


Ah thank you for the quick reply and clarification. I’ll sheepishly get off my soapbox now lol.