I would like to request the ability in Bambu Studio to turn off or configure the ‘object too small’ message - because when you are doing prints with a lot of coloured detail in them this message comes up quite a lot when you are importing the stl’s into the slicer.
I’ve created a Mac Keyboard Maestro workaround to this issue - which automatically presses escape whenever this message comes up - but it would be nice if this could be configured away.
Keyboard Maestro workaround screen print attached below in case anyone is interested.
Yes this gets really old. I get it all the time importing models from Fusion. It would be very nice to make it optional. I don’t even understand what it is asking me.
I’d almost forgotten about that message - as my Script just silently handles it. I recently did some slicing on Orca Slicer - and I forgot how annoying it is - especially when you answer it incorrectly.