Feature Request - Scheduled Printing

Also echoing scheduled print times would be useful

Scheduled printing. Please!

Whether I want to print with toxic materials when I’m at work or want to start a print while I’m waking up, this feature would be an excellent addition to bambu studio.

+1 Really nice feature to have

+1 scheduled printing

I very much would like this feature! Setting an overnight print to be done by the time I have to get up would be great!

This sounds like a great feature.

Scheduled and batch printing please, would be such a QoL improvement :pray:

It can’t be scheduled, but there is a workaround to delay a print and start it later.

Start the print, then once it is downloaded and says the heatbed is preheating, stop it.

Later on, when you want it to start. Open Bambu Handy and go to the Me tab on the bottom, then tap “Printing History”. You can select the cancelled print and restart it.