Feature Request - Turn Off AMS Lights When in Standby

@Oddity3D how do you turn off the toolhead light in code on your X1C?

I understand the GCode to toggle the toolhead LED is;

M960 S5 P0; Bambu Lab toolhead logo light off
M960 S5 P1; Bambu Lab toolhead logo light on

But how do you actually send this to the printer?

Very often either when I stop a print even before it starts to print or after finishing some prints the toolhead LED is left on only to be turned off following the next print job if I am lucky.

I would love a simple solution to be able to send GCode or something to turn the toolhead LED off.

In fact when it finished my last print yesterday the LED has been on ever since and will stay on until the completion of the next successful 3D print job.

Thanks & kind regards,

Hi, I put that in the start code so it is always off when printing

As far as I know you can’t inject gcode on the fly on bambus printers

Thanks for the reply @Oddity3D even if it wasn’t quite what I was hoping to hear! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If not on the fly is it possible there might be a way to just add an LED off GCode script onto the SD Card so I could access it from the printer and just print the ‘model’ so all it does is turn that damn toolhead LED off? :thinking:

Or is that too simplistic a view to take…
