Featured Model Guidelines

Many of my prints would fit these guidelines but none of mine have ever been featured.

This is just a guideline on what they’re looking for, even if you do everything suggested they still choose what they believe will be popular

Is there some page where designers could request their models to be featured?
I’ve dropped a design that can definitely fit all the requirements of the featured one, but how do I trigger the “review” process now?

Here is a design I’m talking about:
Nintendo Switch Unique Rolodex Cartridge Stand

Hello! Thank you for sharing your designs with MakerWorld.
Our process for choosing featured models involves both algorithmic recommendations and manual selection. If you think your model deserves to be highlighted, feel free to message the official MakerWorld account with your design.
Our team will review it for potential featuring. We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing more of your creations on MakerWorld!

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Hi there, I was shocked and humbled today to see that I have a green badge on one of my models as featured. First, thank you! I was wondering how someone might get featured. Question though - what does this mean? Haha, where is it featured? Is it like a thumbs up or does the model show up somewhere online? Just curious! Super thankful!
This is the model: