I am proud of the Featured Model tag assigned to my model, but when I agreed to the Exclusive program, the Featured Model tag was no longer displayed on the model.
When will this problem be fixed?
I assume Featured models do not stop being Featured, just because the model is in the Exclusive program.
The UI can stack more than one icon, and the Makers Supply & Exclusive tags cohabitate, as do many other combinations.
Yet, Featured & Exclusive seems to cancel out the Featured tag.
The API doesn’t return a flag to denote the model as Featured.
I spotted this. I feel like only one tag other than the maker supply tag, can be displayed at a time. My cat wheel, which won a contest, isn’t being taken over by the exclusive tag, despite setting it so.
Previously, my travel games were featured, but I submitted a direct request to make them exclusives, which the exclusive tag took president over the featured tag. That was awhile ago, so. I think it’s working the way it always has, it’s just not something so noticeable previously.
@MakerWorld Here’s my thoughts on this. A little tweak, if we might. It would be nice of there was a way on a given model to see all the tags that have been applied to a given model. If it had been featured, if it won a contest, and if it is exclusive.
On that front, there’s only a selection of models that are in the rotation of featured at a given time. Maybe it’d be nice if there was a way to view an archive of all models that have been featured at some point?
My model was marked as featured right up until I marked it as Exclusive. It didn’t stop being featured; it just lost the visual marking to show that it was being featured.
It is still shown in the featured section currently, it just doesn’t show the correct logo to identify it as such. When the model isn’t in the featured section, people have no way to know it is a featured model.
The cool green coloured Gyro4 Twist Fidget Spinner
Indeed there’s no technical reason for it to not be displayed, but then one has to take into account possibility of tags obstructing parts of cover image as I’ve noticed here:
I don’t know if I’m misremembering stuff, but I think there was a time where some tags appeared on right hand side of the cover image. If that’s still the case then designing cover image with all the possible combinations will be a bit harder (or users will have to edit and adjust based on what shows up).
I set up masks for the top left and bottom right, then focus content and captions accordingly.
Top right is for the icons.
Bottom right indicates an animated gif.
Unfortunately, earlier models didn’t take this into account.
I haven’t swapped all my models yet, I’m not even sure how many I have managed to get through of the 600+ (we need more tools and sort options to help with this), but, I have needed to go back an edit some images so I could replace the existing ones as some elements had been covered by the to left icons.
As long as we know going forwards that critical information should be on those two spots, we should be fine.
I think I have another 400 models to process.
We just need to fix the problem I brought up and stick to the areas currently used as otherwise, more changes in the future will really annoy things and require us to go through every single model with no notice period.
Seems like there should be a bit of a guideline for creating cover images for MakerWorld I haven’t needed to update my cover images and that’s mostly luck
I have a lot of models where they are one in a series so a number adorns the image to clearly indicate that or in a specific style, so a caption to denote that.
I simply created a mask for my graphics software that overlays all the artwork per project to make it easy to locate things where they can be seen and it is set to not appear when exporting.
Going forward it will make things easier. Just create a new file and add the overlay.
Hi, your featured tags are not removed, the featured models are still featured models.
At this moment, we prioritize displaying the Exclusive Model icon over other icons when displaying models on MakerWorld. We understand your needs and will possibly explore some methods to be able to display multiple model icons in the future, thanks!