On two of my recent prints, excess filament was left on flat surfaces. In both instances, I’m printing with Bambu Lab PLA on the textured plate with the default settings from the Bambu Slicer.
In this example, it was part of a print with symmetrical tracks. Only one of the two tracks ended up with the excess filament.
Speed was standard
The track was still bonded, though I did turn brim off.
Extrusion seems to be ok after the print. It seems to have issues with smaller top surfaces.
Infill is set to 15%
I can’t share the stl, as I purchased it, but I do have a screenshot from Bambu Studio.
What is the hexagon diameter of the top part of the track that failed ?
My best guess at this point is.
Set the infill to a rectilinear pattern will give more support over the grid pattern for this part. Look at your preview screen and we don’t want a shaking or overlap pattern.
Set the top surface layer speed to 80 mm/s for this part.
Infill was set to grid - I’ll give it a try with triangular. I’ll also take a look at changing the speed. Funny thing, the creator of these uses a P1P, and I haven’t seen any recommendations from them to change the settings.
The Triangles are an overlap pattern so be careful with small tall parts if you want even more strength set walls to 3 or 4 or 20% infill.
You can set the solid infill and surface and gap fill to 100 mm/s this will also help with layer bonding and more cooling time on small surface areas. add a modifier to do it this that way it’s only in this area.
Everyone is running different filaments and profiles plus the room humidity can affect your prints.