anyone seen this happen before…it has done this a few times…
If you see this happen at the same layer repeatedly, it may be from dirty lead screws.
Agree that was my first thought…
so I cleaned table lead screws and applied new grease…
but if you look at the picture it looks like the filament supply, had a burp, as there looks
to be a ‘glob’ at the beginning and then possibly the following layers just bounced over
that glob causing the small gap…
thoughts ???
Looks like a partial clog that got flushed out. There is likely still a blockage that you can remove with cold pulls.
I do agree, but it finished the rest of the print with no issues, so I am thinking
it may be the black filament that may have some ‘burps’,
it is Sunlu and we have run many rolls but have only seen this a few times…
The green layers are perfect…
A couple of these rolls have clogged the nozzle and I had to do a cold pull…
I’ll chalk this up this up to the Sunlu Black Matte filament possibly being a problem…
Q: I wonder if bumping up the nozzle temp from 220c to 221c or 222c…
anyone with a thought on this I appreciate the input…