Filament change at the exact height

I am struggling a bit to introduce a filament change at the exact layer I need it.
I am trying to print this object, and I want the gray to only start at the smaller cylinder on top.

However, getting it right seems to be very challenging. For example, in this image here, i am apparently looking at a layer ABOVE the filament change, but it isn’t yet showing.

When i go one above, it does show

I read somewhere (it might have been the Hueforge documentation, but I cannot find it to save my life) that filament changes should be added to the model the layer before or the layer after of where you actually need it (i can’t remember which, and that is the problem).
Any tips?

That seems like a bug. I don’t do manual filament changes since I have an AMS, but I went ahead and tried to replicate what you are seeing and my Bambu Studio (Version does not exhibit the same behavior. The color change happens exactly on the layer where the smaller cylinder starts. You might trying upgrading your software and see if that helps.

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It is a bug, I have had lists of issues with it.

Try using the Height range modifier” instead.

On the objects panel, select your model and right click, select “height range modifier”.

Select the “layers” that appear and enter your ranges (bottom of the screen).

Now you can adjust settings per range you defined and the colour for each range.

I prefer the way you were doing it as it makes more sense to people.

Range height modifiers are more powerful though.


It is a regression from an earlier version of BL that had the issue but was later fixed.

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thanks! I haven’t used that, but trying it now.
How do i change the filament though? Right clicking or regular clicking doesn’t provide that option.

Edit: never mind, i find it. Click on the little “filament” box 3 times.

Sorry, I only just spotted this.

Yes, that is a somewhat annoying UX difference.