Filament changes fail to keep fan off

I edit my filament so the fan is off, but when printing starts the fan goes to 100% and I have to turn it off.

Edit your machine/nozzle profile, there’s a section for filament change G-code. You’ll probably need to change something there as well (although I think we could consider that a bug).

So I added M107 in Advanced section of filament settings. I will see if that works. M107 does know to turn off all fans. I guess will will have to experiment with P1 P2 P3 to see the designation for Part, Aux, Chamber fans if I use M106.

I never tried M107 because Bambu uses M106 Sx P0. See Bambu-soecific G-codes (you can even edit that first page if you find out some more, it’s like a wiki post).