Filament color change with no ams system

I have a a1 mini with no ams lite and I was wondering how I could change colors with out one.

Add a pause in the slicer at the layer you want a color change and manually swap out the filament. Then restart. There are a number of threads on this topic so you may want to use the forum’s search tool to gather some very creative workarounds to AMS.


Why can I insert a filament change in Bambu Studio and the printer ignors that??
This is a Bug for years now!!! :rage:

I have an A1 mini and if I insert a filament change it respects it, it has from the day I purchased it and still does today, my printer has the latest firmware.

I bought the printer a week ago (NO AMS!!!). Fitmware, software, all the latest. I started a print with fillament change today and he prints till the end.
If you search for this with google, all have the same problem. They all use pause and not fillament change, because it doesn’t work with the A1 Mini.

Many Post here, have the same problem and it only works with setting a pause in the preview.

Yo utilizo un código que añade una pausa. Pero en un grupo de WhatsApp, he leido que cuando se lamina no hay que poner “cambio de filamento”, ya que no tiene AMS. Lo correcto es poner “Pausa” y hacer la Carga / Descarga de forma manual