Filament dryer for Spot 5 in AMS, best choice?

One more mates, since we got the awesome 5th AMS spot I want to put a filament dryer to plug in the 5th filament roll through.
What I need is your superknowledge and experience, what would be the best filament dryer to use for this purpose?

I tried to study reviews but I really botched up,
the top choice was Sunlu S2 which I am kinda happy with except turns out it has no built in fan and thus capture the moisture inside the airtight dryer and kinda rotate the hot air and moisture inside perpetually?!?
Biggus Dickus… I read along some more and put my itchy trigger finger on the buy button for the Eibos Cyclopes which seemed like a winner in all reviews B U T T… 5 seconds after placing order I got YouTube recommendations showing the previous hidden stack of our collegues that purchased this one and turns out it blows hot air concentrated underneath the rolls put in and PetG in particular seems to M E L T…
Guess who prints exclusively in PetG? :flushed:
:+1: :partying_face: :+1:

I tried not going full R and read up myself personally within all my greenhorn noob glory,
it does not turn out well!

Your brains and experience is sought after, I need your advice mates!

And if there is no decent solution I hope that you might have a link or two how to mod and fix the above duo of filament dryers.

Anything at this point would be greatly appreciated mates!

May the force be with you,

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On YouTube I saw one of the guys who do reviews on all things 3D printed suggested that holes drilled into the top of the filament dryer will release the moisture. I cant find the video right now will look around and post the link if I find it.

I bought this. It fits my needs and two rolls of filament.

I guess you could print out a lazy susan and drill a feed hole to the printer. It does have a fan! :grinning:


Probably Loyal Moses channel talking about the Fixdry Filament Dryer. I bought one and it is awesome.

Surprisingly cracking it open helped me. I have a Sunlu S2 and never thought it worked overly well, humidity would drop from around 60% ambient to 40’s after many hours. Two days ago I read about propping it open about an inch, and since then humidity has been in the mid-20’s to low 30’s. I’m waiting on a small blower fan to mod it with a fan instead of propping it open.

More importantly, what’s this about a 5th slot?



4 h

More importantly, what’s this about a 5th slot?

5 slots filament

So with the 5th slot as per pic above,
I need a filament dryer with roller bearings and preferably one that can take larger filament spools such as up to 3kg to set up with the now “5th selectable slot”

Ah ok, I see what you mean. I was thinking a 5th slot that autoswitches with the AMS. I use the Sunlu S2 here but I don’t believe it’ll do those 2-3kg rolls. I highly recommend printing one of those Y-adapters. I have PTFE tube from the AMS hub and from the dryer going into the Y so no need to disconnect anything, just pull the filament back to the dryer before using the AMS.