Filament Drying Feature on P1S

Thankyou! (very much)

I use a metal trash can with a huge bag of desiccant, a vacuum attached to the lid, and a heated blanket heater attached to the bottom. Janky as hell but works beautifully.


Hey, I’m about to give this a shot but I wanna make sure I won’t waste 12 hours of my life lol. Did it work? Setting bed temperature to 85-90* and running it for 6 hours and flipping for another 6? Or should I just order a dehumidifier? If so which one?

You need to print or fabricate a cover for the filament to distribute the heat evenly.

Personal thoughts? I would suggest getting a drier. Use the printer for what it is intended for which is printing.

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Hey @JonRaymond l’m using my original packaging as a cover per your little cheat sheet/excel sheet.

I understand, and agree that there are proper tool for specific tasks. I plan on making it my next purchase. I just want to make sure it will actually work.

Just to make sure, you’re saying if I follow the directions and use some kind of a cover it will work?

Yup it will work. You’re replicating what a drier would do. Add heat and exchange the air.

If you weigh the spool before and after you can see how much water was removed. Often it’s several grams.


I used my X1C as a dryer for about eight months. Weighing the spools before and after drying proved that it worked, so did the print results. I initially used an upside-down spool box with the lid cut off as a cover and later printed a cover from PC. The box was just as effective as the PC cover, so save your filament for a real project.

When I tired of occupying the printer as a dryer I bought an Eibos EasDry so that I could print at the same time I was drying another spool. I can also print directly from the dryer to keep moisture sensitive filaments dry.


I tried drying filament in the chamber. It wasn’t very effective, and it was time consuming. I bought a $40 filament dryer that spools to the printer. It only holds one spool at a time, and it can’t get over about 60C/65C. For nylon, I use my kitchen oven, whose warm setting is almost exactly 80C.

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Thank You so much for information.

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12HR Drying GCode for PETG / ASA / ABS

; GCode for Filament Drying Process
; Total runtime: 12 hours (72 x 900 seconds = 64800 seconds)

; Home all axes
G28 X Y Z

; Set initial chamber fan speed (70%)
M106 P3 S180 

; Set and wait for bed temperature (80°C)
M190 S80 

; Move Z axis to safe height
G1 Z250 F600

; Reduce chamber fan to 40%
M106 P3 S104 

; Initial waiting period (5 minutes)
G4 P360000 

; Reduce chamber fan to 30% for main drying cycle
M106 P3 S77 

; Main drying cycle - 12 hours split into 72 fifteen-minute intervals
; Each G4 S900 represents a 15-minute wait (900 seconds)
G4 S900 ; Period 1 - 15 minutes
G4 S900 ; Period 2
G4 S900 ; Period 3
G4 S900 ; Period 4
G4 S900 ; Period 5
G4 S900 ; Period 6
G4 S900 ; Period 7
G4 S900 ; Period 8
G4 S900 ; Period 9
G4 S900 ; Period 10
G4 S900 ; Period 11
G4 S900 ; Period 12
G4 S900 ; Period 13
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G4 S900 ; Period 60
G4 S900 ; Period 61
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G4 S900 ; Period 63
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G4 S900 ; Period 65
G4 S900 ; Period 66
G4 S900 ; Period 67
G4 S900 ; Period 68
G4 S900 ; Period 69
G4 S900 ; Period 70
G4 S900 ; Period 71
G4 S900 ; Period 72

; Shutdown sequence
M107 P3 ; Turn off chamber fan
M140 S0 ; Turn off bed heating