Filament lacking in store

Is there anyone who knows when Bambu Labs will fill upp there stock again? It’s starting to get enoying when in some categories 2/3 is still missing! Is some categories there is 4 out 4 still missing! The only way to be able to get Bambu Labs basic white is to to buy the whole full 4 collor set!

Would be nice if BL gave better information regarding this!

What’s their incentive to provide information especially if it’s negative. They realize that there are enough customers who will come their way rather than go to Amazon. So with that kind of unwavering loyalty, do they really have a reason to be forthcoming? If they lost enough business then maybe they might care but clearly they are selling out and their silence on the matter is deafening.

You could also have a look at eSun ePLA+HS White, for all I can tell, it’s a perfect match with the PLA Basic Bambu sells. There are some rumours that eSun is their supplier for all PLA Basic filaments.

Btw it would be really awesome if you could “reserve” a filament in the store… meaning you pay for it beforehand and receive it when it’s available again.

Today around 11:00 CE(S)T I got a notification mail that PETG natural color is in stock and available for purchase. I noticed the mail around 12:40 CE(S)T, clicked on the link and it was already out of stock again… :smiley:

Have started to do that! But since I use the AMS lite I prefer using BL tagged spools with filament! I’m looking into creating something like that with RFID tags and a hand held unit for write and read.

That sounds interesting, however, I just keep the same filament and settings on each slot. Let us know if you found that custom RFID tags work. :slight_smile:

I agree! I bought a A1+AMS during Christmas! Upon doing that you get a discount on filament during 8 months a think. I feels a bit cheap to gi ve a discount on products that you hardly can deleiver! Approx 2/3 of that filament BL can’t deliver! They only have a little amount of time to get users hooked on there filament before they start looking for other options. Getting people back van prove harder!

At this time they could at least be opened about the problem! Then you at least would respect that there is an issue.

The Canadian store is also severely lacking in what I want and has been lacking for a month now. What is going on with the store restocks?