Filament not sticking to bed but to nozzle

I have had this printer for around a month and this has never happened. I just started a print at 5:00 pm and the first try failed and the rest got worse

does anyone know how to fix this?

1st print

2nd print

2nd print was connected to the nozzle but i took it off

Not much info but it looks like your plate is in urgent need of a deep clean. Water + Dishwashing liquid, a clean, stiff brush and plenty of muscle grease. Some recommend a good dash of IPA after cleaning. I myself use a good dash of IPA before cleaning to help with washing. You may want to combine both.

Another item to check depends a bit on the material you are using. But either way, drying it can help (provided the bed is clean). The link is for the P/X series but it works pretty similarly on the A1.


try 4

print link

We can’t help further with this if we do not know what you did to try to change the outcome.


@EnoTheThracian is giving you the best advice.

After you deep clean with soap and water, spray IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) and wipe with a microfiber towel between each print.

If I had a nickel for every post I saw on here that started with “it printed fine for a month, but now nothing sticks” :upside_down_face:

Plates need to be regularly cleaned.


i know the problem i found out about thirty min later.

The way i clean the plate is just this

  1. run it under hot water
  2. put dish soap on it
  3. rinse with hot water
  4. repeat steps 1-3 on other side
  5. dry with a towel
  6. try not to touch the top (only touch the edges

I have a textured PEI plate

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