I have had this printer for around a month and this has never happened. I just started a print at 5:00 pm and the first try failed and the rest got worse
does anyone know how to fix this?
I have had this printer for around a month and this has never happened. I just started a print at 5:00 pm and the first try failed and the rest got worse
does anyone know how to fix this?
2nd print was connected to the nozzle but i took it off
Not much info but it looks like your plate is in urgent need of a deep clean. Water + Dishwashing liquid, a clean, stiff brush and plenty of muscle grease. Some recommend a good dash of IPA after cleaning. I myself use a good dash of IPA before cleaning to help with washing. You may want to combine both.
Another item to check depends a bit on the material you are using. But either way, drying it can help (provided the bed is clean). The link is for the P/X series but it works pretty similarly on the A1.
print link
We can’t help further with this if we do not know what you did to try to change the outcome.
@EnoTheThracian is giving you the best advice.
After you deep clean with soap and water, spray IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) and wipe with a microfiber towel between each print.
If I had a nickel for every post I saw on here that started with “it printed fine for a month, but now nothing sticks”
Plates need to be regularly cleaned.
i know the problem i found out about thirty min later.
The way i clean the plate is just this
I have a textured PEI plate
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