Filament STILL not coming out

My Bambu carbon is only 1 month only.

I have printed maybe 3 big things with this, and maybe 10 small. And today it stopped printing.

I followed instructions meticulously, changed hot head, opened up extrusion, and there was a lot of filament stuck inside, in between the gears actually, it was actually horrifying. I pulled it all out. Put it back together again.

3 hours later, and still no filament is coming out, not printing. I get the error, 'please observe the nozzle. If the filament has been extruded 'click Done:, if it is not, please push the filament forward slightly and then click “Retry”

I’m actually quite disapointed, I would have expected much better from a machine at that price point.

Any suggestions?

You only mention little information:
What is your thread?
What is the print profile used?
What is the nozzle type and extrusion size?
Do you use a heating procedure?

Filament should not be able to get into the gears of the extrude unless it is soft TPU or such…

Have you filled out a support ticket yet? This should be your next move if not.