Filament Stock Tracking Excel

Hi Guys,

Maybe some of you can use this. I made a simple stock list excel sheet to track my spare spools and refills of filament. It’s a excel file and it’s free to download, edit, share etc.

This only has PLA, I haven’t had time to add the others.

You can grab the file here:


I think I would have entered the hex color code in the color square and then used a spreadsheet function to convert that to the background color. But the way you did it is portable to excel also, so that is a plus.

Good idea. I didn’t know that was possible.

I may try and add some formulas later to either show or highlight empty stock too.

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You can add VBA code to your excel sheet for helping you converting Bambu Lab hex codes to cell colors. Just copy the Bambu Lab Hex code string in the cell you want to have the color and the cell color will change to the RGB color.

This will work with single hex codes (like #000000) as well as for gradient colors (like #E94B3C; #FFFFFF).
Safe your Excel Sheet as .xlsm.

Cursieve tekstThere are most likely better solutions, but this works for me…

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim rng As Range, clr As String
For Each rng In Target
Rem Determine if cell value is a single hex code
If Len(rng.Value2) = 7 And Left(rng.Value2, 1) = “#” Then
clr = Right(rng.Value2, 6)
rng.Interior.Color = _
RGB(Application.Hex2Dec(Left(clr, 2)), _
Application.Hex2Dec(Mid(clr, 3, 2)), _
Application.Hex2Dec(Right(clr, 2)))
rng.Font.Color = _
RGB(Application.Hex2Dec(Left(clr, 2)), _
Application.Hex2Dec(Mid(clr, 3, 2)), _
Application.Hex2Dec(Right(clr, 2)))
End If

Rem Determine if cell value is a gradient hex code
If Len(rng.Value2) = 16 And Left(rng.Value2, 1) = “#” Then
clr1 = Right(Left(rng.Value2, 7), 6)
clr2 = Right(rng.Value2, 6)

   With rng.Interior
       .Pattern = xlPatternLinearGradient
       .Gradient.Degree = 0
   End With
   With rng.Interior.Gradient.ColorStops.Add(0)
       .Color = _
         RGB(Application.Hex2Dec(Left(clr1, 2)), _
             Application.Hex2Dec(Mid(clr1, 3, 2)), _
             Application.Hex2Dec(Right(clr1, 2)))
        .TintAndShade = 0
   End With
   With rng.Interior.Gradient.ColorStops.Add(1)
       .Color = _
         RGB(Application.Hex2Dec(Left(clr2, 2)), _
             Application.Hex2Dec(Mid(clr2, 3, 2)), _
             Application.Hex2Dec(Right(clr2, 2)))
        .TintAndShade = 0
   End With
   Rem Make cell text invisible as cell color is multi color
   rng.NumberFormat = ";;;"

End If
Next rng

Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

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Sorry but this is beyond my know-how. Looks cool though :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about it, VBA doesn’t run on google sheets anyway.