I just switched to the A1 mini wiper. Worked great. However, I was still having a little bit of problem when it comes to the “wipe on bed” stage. The first wipe is pretty okay, so I think that I should just change the Gcode to simply cool before the first wipe and just start the bed leveling without the useless “wipe on bed”.
I am kind of in the same boat, 3rd P1S and I think I got a lemon this time or a refurbished one. Day 2 the printer was moving 1/4 into the print, Opened it all up and the ribbon for the hotend was broken.
2 weeks later I have printed non-stop on this printer keeping up with orders. I set it to run a job today and go in to get dinner going and bambu lab sends me a message. Only to come out to my shop and see this!! I am not sure what the heck to do with this thing now. What a freakin mess…of course during the busiest time of the year for me. Sigh…
I replaced the whole part with parts that came but it still won’t print so now I have to open it all up and check the gears. It did unload the filament for me so that is a good sign. This SOooo could have caught fire. I am kind of upset atm. I have had this machine for 2 weeks. I have 2 others of the same.
Wow yours looked so worse than mine
Have you got the machine running again now?