When using the archimedean infill with 100% density there will be a gap between the outer wall and the outer infill curve.
Is there any possibility to fill this gap? This would have to be a curve positioned in the middle of the gap with decreasing material flow along the curve. An of course it would be nice to fill the void in the middle
Here you can see the gap where the violett color from beneath shines through
The issue is that the gap is narrower than an extrusion width.
Yes, I’m aware of that.
I thought perhaps there is some function like “local ironing” or similar, since ironing is also filling very small gaps.
So it looks like I have just to live with this …?
Have you tried printing it yet? It may not be as much of an issue as displayed in the slicer.
OrcaSlicer has an option to fill the gaps (here in white):
@JonRaymond not yet, I’ll test it
@Ikraus Thanks! I’ll test OrcaSlicer!
Left Bambu Slicer, Right Orca Slicer with “apply gap fill”
Don’t wonder about the mark in the left specimen, that was my tooth 
The left one has a very small void in the middle, but that is really neglectable, whereas there is an obvious gap between the outer wall and the infill on every layer (as seen in the slicer), which means you can literally look through this gap.
The right one has this gap filled very well, BUT the slicer is trying to fill the small void in the middle as well … and that is no good idea, since the volume is so small and the additional material is much too much. So there now is a kind of “bump”.
I tried the option “Filter out tiny gaps” but this didn’t change any of the slicing result, whatever value I chose (OrcaSlicer V2.1.1).
Does anyone else experience this function as not working correctly?