Firs layer problems with TPU A1 mini

Hello everyone!
I have problems printing the first layer with TPU (different Shores).
It starts printing too high (printing almost in the air in a ratio of two out of three times or so) ruining the print. I don’t know why, because the nozzle is cleaned before as always, and only by canceling the print and restarting, most of the time, the problem is solved…
Has anyone had a similar problem?

Hello, Abel. I assume you have already found the right profiles (basically SUPER-slow and SUPER-hot). Other than that, I still had tons of problems with TPU, specially the low Shore denominations (anything under 95A). In my case, I traced it to two different issues: stretching and filament:

  • Under-extrusion related to the fact that the TPU stretches on its way to the nozzle. I ended up designing a filament holder replacement, and it allows me to print without stretching (It’s uploaded to MW)
  • Finding the right TPU. Settled on Overture “HighSpeed” TPU, which prints almost like PLA. Inland’s is almost as good, and Bambu Lab’s is inferior (These are non-scientific recommendations, just personal experiences).

Good luck, and keep us informed. I print a lot on TPU on the mini, and it’s always good to hear how others do

hello Zorzal
can you try this mode i am testing it! with it I can print tpu85A, but I need other people to test and then realises these to the wild!

Ricardo, I will be happy to try it, but it will be on January 3rd, when I get back home from a fishing trip, I hope that is timely enough.

Bom Ano Novo!

Of course it is in time :smiley: enjoy the fish :smiley:

Ricardo, did you touch base with BL Support to get some info on how did they choose to separation between pulley and the lever? Could it be the case that changing this separation may ultimately exclude some use cases for the extruder, specially as it relates to different filament attributes? They (BL) may have chosen a “happy medium” as the target…

Case in point: the Bondtech Mosquito I installed on my MK3S, lets the user change that distance by moving an external lever.

I never asked specifically why Bondtech chose to do that, but I have found myself moving the external lever occasionally to provide more or less grip to the gears, to compensate for some filaments being more “slippery”, “softer” (TPU) or “coarser” than others. Whichever exceptional position I chose for the lever, I ended up having to go back after that particular print to the “default” position, the “happy medium”.

I didn’t bother but I talk about that in the post! until now I have tested all the filaments I have with no worries lest see !

when you try it let me know!
And I saw now that you speak Portuguese. :smiley:

Hi! thanks for your reply.
Taking advantage of the fact that we are talking about TPU…
I’m not happy printing with this kind of material.
I’m a prusa owner for 6 years, and 4 years ago I bought an Ender S1. With last one I had printing TPU with amazing results. I was printing a very detailed pieces, arriving to print at 0.08 for layer.
Always with A95 and A98 Shore
I know I don’t found the correctly parametres yet ( I hope so ) and finally I will find them, but I made a lot of test and I’m still looking for…

I comment you some of my configurations :

All range of temperatures ( in my Ender S1 I print like a PLA 197º ) since 200º to 240º ( allways better when hotless )
Speed between 35 mms to 50mms ( also I tested in the beginning with higher )
I’ve increase the jerx of the machine to 14 ( in both axis ) because when the nozzle finish the layer put less material before to a large displacement. Changing the Jerx , it deposit enough material, althoug is not perfect like the start of the layer.
The aceleration close to 40% of maximun ( 400mms? I can’t remember exactly )
The fan to 100% speed.
Different positions in the bed.
Layers between 0.08 to 0.12 ( I remember that in the Ender S1 I haven’t any problem with this kind of layers )

The best results has been printin with the PLA parameters and a 35mms of speed.

I have problem in layers when they aren’t perfectly aligned verticaly with the last one… ( I’m going to help my comments with pictures ) Not with a big degrees… also the finish in the parts that starts in angle… it’s terrible…

The first layer after the supports are terrible… I try with differents patterns, including I’ve copied the Ender S1 parameters but the results are not satisfactory…

Of course, nothing of this problems I have with the Ender S1 or prusa.

Today I’m going to test with a A98
All this problems are more accentuated when the Shore of the tpu is lower.

thanks for your time!

First of all 90ShoreA TPU I think is fully supported in the A1 series from stock!
You should have good prints! I think that the problem is that you are trying to make the printer print slow and that is not a good approach!
You never should change speed settings to any filament you should regulate the Volumetric FloW max! on the filament settings only!

these are my settings for the 70Shore A
Another reason you only change the Max volumetric speed is that if you change the resolution you should print faster.

PS you should change this too!

Disable the flow calibration!
In the flow ratio use 1.0 because is very hard the tpu that you are using

When you try the settings show the results!

Hi Ricaxe ! First of all thanks to take yout time to reply.
In few minutes I’m going to come back home, and I will try all things you comment.


Well… The results were almost perfect! not at the first print, but Finally, following your specs an adapt to a harder material , adjusting the flow and a bit the retraction…I was happy.
I need to adjust better the retraction because I still having “hairs” between pieces. Perhaps decreasing the temperature a bit or moving flow
But very happy !! Thanks for your help.

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TPU is very hygroscopic, yes I know that all the people say that the problem for everything is moister but on this material, I think is that!

I am happy that solved you problem :smiley:

Hello again ! I share a photo and send a question. Why do these waves appear in the piece?

My setup
Flow 1.2
Volumetric speed 2

I changed some accelerations setups because I think is possible to reduce the movement of the printer if I decrease the acceleration and speed.

Somebody can helps me?