First Benchy printed with Bambu Lab X1 & CHT Nozzle

You’re about correct mol.olsson.
I guess I could say, DzzD, do you have the capabilities to do a couple strength tests between the CHT and the stock bambu hotends?
This is what I see in my brain box. This happens because of polymer cooling properties, and CNC Kitchen’s indepth video supports this.
Anyone who has printed parts with .4 nozzles and then broke it, then did the same thing with a 1.0 nozzle, knows the 1.0 walls/ceilings/bonding is stronger than the .4
Remember, smooshing together is just that, you’re reassembling the polymer again at the bottom, with less heat than above.
Again, this may all be semantics and we’re talking a 10% difference in speed, but I’m curious what the strength difference is, because there will be one. The physics of the application of the polymer are different, period.
For the physics to be almost identical, it may still have a sliver of difference, would be for filament to be split into 3 ABOVE the hotend, and then 3 strands go through the heater at once, then extruder through normal nozzle.