First layer bug?

I’m running into a first layer issue - that I can’t figure out and haven’t found notes from others about…

I built my model completely in Bambu Studio, just to ensure the issue wasn’t from my modeling program… it’s a basic cylinder with the middle deleted, and another cylinder filling that deleted spot:

When I look at the first layer of the slice, I see a gap between the two objects:

However, when I look at layer 2 (and all remaining layers), it’s sliced correctly, with both objects touching:

What is the secret Konami code for ensuring that layer 1 isn’t slicing objects with a gap between them?

What you’re seeing is probably not a bug. My guess is it is Elephant foot compensation.


Thank you - that did the trick!

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Tthank you, I had not run into this problem yet, but helping Mystic you also taught me something - appreciate it.