First Layer good...first layer bad

Same model, same material (Extrudr ASA black), same settings, 110°C Textured PEI Bambu, 48°C Chamber Temp, 1st print left, 2nd print right.

Can anyone give me a hint why the first layer hight can vary like this?

Appriciate your constructive input.

BR Flo

Maybe some ideas in my post here…

My guess is the issue you describe is to do with the plate and glue having worn off, if nothing else has changed. It sounds like it happened so quickly.

Hi, well would be for others maybe an explaination, but i dont use gluestick or use the buildplates with the Stickers on it…cool plate or high temp plates. PEI is powdercoated, so this can not worne out or lift from the steelplate.
My current guess is, that the bedleveling sensors are inacurate with repeatability…from what i see, it need to be min. 0.1mm difference in z-hight to get this layer pattern on the right compared to the left.

btw. i still have the 1.7.2 firmware, as i face issues with ams on latest 1.7.3.

found the causer for that issue, if your Plate Code cannot be read, the nozzle ends up way too high. easy to reproduce on all plates if you cover the qr code before start.

Bug in FW confirmed in 1.7.2, 1.7.3 & 1.8.0


Thanks for reporting back! That is super useful to know.

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First layer issues with 3D effect sheets - I just bought these and using them on the metal plates provided by Bambu in the package. These plates dont come with the qr code, so the printer throws an ignorable error before print begins when it doesnt find the code. To me, this is a strange misstep from Bambu, as if I am buying official accessories, I would assume these would come with all the necessary info attached, including qr codes.

In any case, I am yet to get a successful first layer with these sheets. Your comment here helps me identify why. I have tried bumping up the first layer height to .3 with some success, and going to repeat this with .36 now. The other thing I am going to try is start the print with the standard cold plate, let the machine read the qr code, then switch the plates out (while sticking to the original first layer height of .2).

Thanks to your comment, I may be closer to resolving the issue with 3d effect sheet, and hopefully use them long run.

you could also print the qr codes on stickers and place them on the plate.

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Both the above mentioned options failed, so I will be printing the qr codes and attempt to print without any changes to layer height.

Thank you for your response! :smiley:

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I have those plates btw. It helps to clean them really well after almost every print. The Carbon a little less, but the others I’ve found need a little more attention. Soap and water more often than the stock plates.

Good luck.