First layer print fails due to frequent warping and pulling

When I need to print some flat type or long flat structures, my first layer always prints very poorly. This includes some warping, pulling, and sticking together of the wires coming out of the nozzle. I have tried to adjust the temperature of the platform and the flow rate of the printheads as well as applying solid adhesive on the print plate, but the improvement is not satisfactory to me, what should I do?

You need to provide more information such as the type of filament, the bed type, if your using a brim, chamber temperature etc. The more info you provide the better. Pictures of the issue are also very helpful.


Pics of geometry would also help. Tall, long walls with thin bases will almost try to pull up even in PLA.

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The filament I’m using is bambu PLA basic, and I’m using the standard 0.2mm process parameters from X1C for the process parameters. The print platform temperature is 35℃ and the printhead temperature is around 240℃. I didn’t record the photos, the situation is probably that the first layer of the printed part warped from the edge, and then the printhead touched the warped part to have a pulling and sticking situation, resulting in the first layer of the print has been unsuccessful. I debugged it many times.

A long bar similar to this yellow portion would be very susceptible to the situation I’m describing, causing the first layer to fail to print.

Large dog ears (definitely) for the yellow bars with zero brim distance. The red boxes are also susceptible to corner pulling if the base is a default 3-layer bottom. If you’ve got room, you can remove the infill on the base and make it heftier. All that solid mass should help resist the shrink pull of the walls.

** I had the built-in plate sheet tool print pull up even with the basic PLA green for this reason.

Thanks for the suggestions, but these don’t seem to provide effective help. The lesson I’ve learned is that for these long first layers, you should raise the temperature of the platform, reduce the print speed of the nozzles, and reduce the nozzle flow rate appropriately. This will improve the final print, but it also means increasing the length of time it takes to print.

Door open, glass top removed?

No, I read the print guide and it is not necessary to open the bin door and remove the top glass when printing basic PLA filament.

Well try it like we all do and see if it works for you!!!

Bambu publishes conflicting information. I find that PLA likes more air flow, except for small, quick, prints. Longer prints have issues with heat creep.

Good air flow is part of the reason PLA prints so well on all the open frame printers like the P1, A1, Enders, etc.

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