First Layer Ripples and Rough Surface

I read the " Brand New A1 First Layer Issue thread.
My issue is somewhat different.
Printing an object with a footprint of 134x220 mm in portrait orientation on the Bambu A1 with the upgraded heat bed, I get first layer sections with ripples perpendicular to the travel direction, surrounded by rough surface. This seems to only happen with pattern build plates… 5 of them. If I use the Bambu Lab Textured PEI plate everything is almost perfect (the shine is not uniform).
Logic would say that the issue is the plates, but 5 of them? In the same general locations?
Since the Bambu Textured PEI plate does not show the problem, I bypassed checking the extruder screws and tramming the heat bed. The filament I use is Elegoo PLA Plus black. I played with the nozzle temperatures setting them up and down and that eliminated the zits shown in the picture, but the ripples remain.
Adhesion seems to be good. I washed the plated with dish detergent a couple of times, but the changes are minimal.

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I have a similar plate with samples from Ali, where I had to reduce the flow by about 0.02 to 0.04. It looks a bit over-extruded to me.

Material is from the same manufacturer, in white.


Thank you and your trained eyes.
I changed the flow ratio to 0.96 and that eliminate almost all of the ripples. I’ll drop it further to 0.94. Hopefully that will be the end of it.
Thanks again! You Da Man!


Just an update:
After lowering the flow ratio to 0.94 all ripples disappeared and the surface of the first layer felt smooth to touch on pattern plates that use the film sticker.
I also have the RETUXEP Etched Honeycomb and Carbon Fiber Patterns which exhibited the same issue. With this pate, after dropping the flow ratio to 0.94 I had 3 small ripples left. These were covered up by the second layer and there was no visual difference on the side with the pattern.

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