Newbie here… I just unboxed my new X1- Carbon with AMS. I figured I’d start off with a Wham Bam build plate because everybody is swearing by them. I loaded the spool of green PLA Basic that came with the system in the AMS’s first slot. I chose the outerdiameter gauge test print that was in the system because it would taste the least amount of time and filament.
The print seemed to be doing well for the first few layers and then I noticed it beginning to release from the build surface until it finally let go and started moving around with the print head.
Any ideas?
Did I make a mistake starting out with the Wham Bam Building surface?
Should I be put some glue on the PLA plate that came with the printer and try it again?
I have had my X1C with ams for just over a week.
My first print was the benchy, which was printed on the pla plate with glue. The glue is suggested by bambulab. I have read that some use glue and others don’t. The first print turned out better than other printers (2) that I have. I have since printed around 6 other items successfully with glue, cleaning the plate a couple of times.
Hope this helps
Wham Bam includes instructions to first scuff up the surface with 000 wool and isopropyl alcohol. Below are excerpts from the use and maintenance instructions which include some suggestions on temps. Personally I have had no problems with the Bambu profile temps as-is, except petg I lower per wham bam separate instructions on that material.
You may have to heat your bed higher than previous temperatures, do a bit of testing to
find your best bed temps with PEX. Our PEX Build Surface is specially formulated to
resist much higher temps than any PC build surface. It has great physical bond to the
parts without them ever melting into the surface.
After printing you can lift the Flexi Plate by the handles and remove and set somewhere to
Once both Flexi Plate and parts are completely cool just bend the Flexi Plate on one axis,
then on the other. Large parts should just pop right off. Smaller parts may need a bit
more bending or slight help with a spatula. Never dig into the surface if you can help it.
After every print we suggest wiping with isopropyl alcohol and fresh paper towel, or even
better, quickly scuff and clean with 000 Steel Wool and alcohol and paper towel before
reusing. This will prevent contaminants from the filaments from building up.
Should the PEX ever loose its grip, use some Acetone and steel wool to remove any
residue that may have permeated the PEX top layer. You may also try common dish
detergent or vinegar and clean with water as these help break fats added to filaments with
Suggested Temperatures and Settings for the Bambu Lab X1:
Filament Bed Temp °C Hot End °C
PLA 60-65 190-220
PETG 50 240-250
ABS/ASA 110 230-250
For PETG there is a molecular similarity with PEX and PEI, Bambu sets their default temp settings
way too high in order to achieve faster prints, you need to be more careful with settings on PETG
and lower these.
Also never pry parts off, wait for the plate and the part to fully cool and flex off to remove.
Test all PETG on a small area, each are different, if you get bonding use some glue stick to create
a barrier layer.
I have been printing with wham bam since day one and have over 300 hours with only one slight issue with a very large print that spanned the entire plate diagonally with an end right up next to the part fan that printed for 15 hours. The corner right at the fan slightly popped off. nothing to impact the use of the item but it did slightly raise. I made the mistake and didnt check when the cooling fan kicked in… it was set to one layer and then 100%. i changed to 3 layers and have printed again with no issues… Nothing has popped off, warped or anything with PLA , PETG, PETG-CF… I have multiple whambam plates now so I can quickly get on with another print while one cools off. I use the high temp plate with these settings and have been very pleased.