Flow Dynamic Calibration runs forever

I am about to print on a smooth plate, the flow dynamic calibration is turned on by default.

At random time, this dynamic get stuck forever, and it keeps on piling up filament in the purge wiper. I had to remove it manually before it destroys my nozzle. I removed the first batch of poop, and it keeps on pooping forever. At the end, I had to cancel the print.

Has this been a problem at random for all the A1 owners?


I encountered the same problem with the 0.2 Nozzle. I tried turning the printer off and on again and re-generated the g-code but the problem remained.
After switching back to the 0.4 nozzle it worked again.

I changed back to 0.2 nozzle. Now it worked, but the dynamic flow calibration took forever. Probably like 5 mins. And it kicked out the extruded poop twice to make space. I don’t know, maybe it just takes that long…

The Dynamic flow is based off of pressure on the nozzle and with the .2mm nozzle might not be generating enough pressure for it to trip the load cell so its confused. This is an educated guess I do not know for certain and if I am wrong please let me know.

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I think you might be right. Thanks for your input!

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I have this same issue with the 0.4 nozzle but it only happens with TPU so far. I tried with PLA and it seemed to work fine. Has anyone solved this yet?

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i have the same with tpu :confused: it takes some time

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Was that the first time you had done it since you change the nozzles?

I did a factory reset and no issues since. I heard you need to do a factory reset after every update to eliminate glitches

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Hey so I ran into this. I thought it was infinitely calibrating (broken) and was pissed cause I just bought the printer. sent bambu about 5 hate mails and then I realized that it was not broken (sorry bambu IT, you can disregard those). After I let it do its thing the prints are practically flawless. and I mean really good… like better than my x1c and e good. I read they were having significant issues with filament build up on the nozzle so bad that some were the size of a ping pong balls. If you read the firmware updates you may find that is the reason for the long calibration. seems they are being extra cautious.

Interesting guys, I have the exact same issue and it annoys the s*t out of me. I stopped using it because I don’t trust it works with all those extreme pileups.

What filament and temp are you using?

I’m having the same issue and I think it only started after firmware installed. The calibration uses much more filament and doesn’t kick the waste, allowing it to build up and foul the nozzle and silicone heat shield.
I’ve been forced to manually flick the waste out several times to prevent the nozzle fouling.
I assume the k-factor gets stored for each filament in the AMS, so I might just run the calibration once for each spool then turn it off - Is this a correct assumption?

in 1.3 are bugs for k value kali

I had that too after the new version, I went back to 1.02 (or something like that) but now I still have the problem. A full 2-4 filament turns!

What is that supposed to help? Then the latest update is gone!?

Same issue here.

I had to manually remove the filament before it build it. After about 4 minutes, it successfully passed the extrusion flow calibration.

This should be a bug as the filament is not being kicked.

Same here.
No problems with 1.02, then comes 1.03, a pooping machine.
I tried to move the poop to the side, then it sticks to the short piece of filament, then I get stringing everywhere. (a little shaky)
After the first layer it move over and cuts the filament. I don’t know what’s all about.
This is my first printer at 74 years old. When I’m ready for a larger printer, I’ll be looking elsewhere, Bambu will still be on my list, just further down the list.

Is it easy to go back to 1.02 firmware?

Same problem with 0.2 nozzle but not with 0.4. please bambu don’t let me throw away my entire spool :frowning:

V1.03 was like eating sushi from the bodega…

you become a pooping machine